Twenty - Fear

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Doctor: "Are you ready to check on the baby?" The doctor muttered as she dragged over the ultrasound machine.

Jisoo nodded excitedly while Taehyung remained quite beside her. He seems to be feeling nervous at this time.

Doctor: "Okay, sit back and lift your shirt up." The doctor said as Jisoo did as she was told.

She pulled her top up to her bra, her stomach on show, already prepared for the jelly to be placed on her lower abdomen.

Doctor: "Your stomach has gotten big." She said.

Taehyung: "Told you." He mumbled, laughing a little.

Taehyung seemed to have switched emotions instantly, he's feeling normal now.

Jisoo glared at him for a moment. Though she too knew that her stomach really has gotten bigger in the past weeks.

The doctor put the jelly on her belly and she shivered a little.

"Why is this always so cold?" Jisoo thought.

The doctor began moving the ultrasound across her stomach. The sound of a strong heartbeat filled their ears as they all watch mesmerized by the baby on the screen.

Taehyung was taken aback by the scene in front of him. It was his first time to be with Jisoo on her checkup. He had never experienced this before and the excitement in his eyes showed. Not only that he's excited, but his eyes are also a little teary as well seeing his precious one.

Taehyung looked down at Jisoo with a huge smile on his face. His hand reached down to hold hers. Jisoo was happy but at the same time feeling emotional at this moment. She has her own family now. She, Taehyung, and their little angel would be arriving within the next 4 months.

Doctor: "Do you want to know the gender?" She asked.

Taehyung looked at Jisoo, he desperately wanted to know but was waiting for her reply. Jisoo nodded her head at Taehyung and then to the doctor. The doctor smiled before uttering the next three words.

"It's a boy."


Jisoo: "Tae, you have been rubbing my stomach since we got home. Can you stop?" She told him, acting irritated.

Taehyung and Jisoo are now back home. Jisoo is sitting comfortably on the couch with the TV playing her favorite movie in front of her.

Jisoo: "You should stop now. You're irritating him." She said.

She was lying. He wasn't irritating the baby, he was irritating her. Taehyung looked at her and then continue to rub her stomach.

Taehyung: "We're having a boy." He said with a wide smile on his face.

Jisoo: "I already know that. We were both there, duh." She answered, rolling her eyes.

Taehyung: "I know. But I still can't believe that we're having a mini-me." He was smiling brightly.

Jisoo: "Yeah, yeah. But you're not sure yet f he looks exactly like you. He might get my features you know." She said, not minding Taehyung who's pouting like a kid because of what she said.

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