Eight - The Arrangement

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"What to do? What to do?"

She's murmuring while pacing back and forth.

Well after that little conversation they had, Taehyung dropped her off at her dorm.

Jisoo was too surprised by what he said that she didn't know what to say. So, Taehyung ended up giving the entire night for her to think about his proposal.

His proposal was for Jisoo to live with him so he can provide all that she needed during the pregnancy... for the baby. He's the father of the baby she's carrying anyway so it's just right for him to provide everything that she needed.

That was his plan. Of course, he has good intentions. He just wanted to help.

(Hmmm. Sounds familiar right? Which chapter again did Taehyung say the same???)

Next day.

Lisa: "So, what do you plan of doing, Unnie?" She asked.

It's lunchtime and the girls are in the school's cafeteria finishing their meals.

Jisoo: "I-I don't really know. I spent all night thinking of what to do." She sighs.

Rosé: "Sure it's difficult to decide in situations like this unnie but at this point, you need to think of what's good for the baby." She told her before taking a spoonful of her food.

Jennie: "That is right. You have to make a serious decision for you and the baby." She added.

Jisoo: "Yeah. I know, I know." She said with a serious tone.

Until this time, she hasn't made up her mind.

Time skipped.

It's 2:30 in the afternoon. Jisoo and Jennie were waiting for their last class to start. Their class will start in 30 minutes. They were sitting on one of the benches in front of their department's building. They're taking up a Humanities course.

They were busy chatting about anything when a crowd caught their attention. A group of students seemed to be fan-girling over someone who was walking towards the Humanities building.

Jisoo and Jennie looked at the crowd with curiosity. At this point, they do not know yet who those girl students were fan-girling over.

The guy or should I say guys stopped in front of the building entrance. Jisoo's eyes widened upon seeing the tall and gorgeous guy who stood not so far away from where she was.

Taehyung was with his friend, Jimin. The guys were looking serious, not minding the girls around them.

Random Student 1: "It's Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. What are they doing here?" He asked the girl next to her.

Random Student 2: "It's the first time I saw them walking to this area. They're taking up Business Administration so why are they here?" The other girl answered.

Random Student 3: "Maybe they're looking for someone? Oh my! Are they already taken? Are they dating someone in our department?" The other girl blurted out.

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