Twenty-Seven - Falling Into Right Places? (Part 2)

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Taehyung hummed to himself as he walked into the house. After a long day, he's excited to see Jisoo at home. Jisoo was now 27 weeks pregnant and Taehyung loved seeing her bump and that motherly expression on her face. She's going to be an incredible mom, he thought.

Taehyung walked into their room, smiling. He was happy to be home. However, the smile on his face immediately dropped as he found Jisoo gazing at the mirror. She was frowning as she take a look at her body.

"No, no! Not again." He thought as he quickly walked over to her, taking her hands.

Jisoo: "Taehyung, I-" Her lips quivered, she was blinking back tears.

Taehyung: "Jisoo, baby. You look gorgeous!" He started.

Lately, Jisoo has been feeling insecure and sensitive because of her body. And this situation right now is not the first time. Taehyung has seen Jisoo in this vulnerable state a couple of times.

Taehyung: "I wish you could see what I see, love. You're an incredible woman, who is carrying our baby. You're glowing, Ji, you just don't realize it. You are beautiful!" He said sincerely, looking straight into her eyes.

Jisoo: "But Tae, I'm not. I'm not beautiful. I have no idea why you even think I am." She answered as she tried too hard to keep those tears from falling.

Oh, pregnancy hormones!

Taehyung: "Baby, look in the mirror. Don't you see your gorgeous eyes and your perfect lips? Why can't you see how beautiful your face is? And your body... your body is incredible. I love every single thing about you, head to toe, mind to your heart." He said with a soft voice as he look at her through the mirror in front of them.

Taehyung knows how emotional Jisoo is right now. But no matter how bad she feels about herself, he always succeed in making her feel better.

Taehyung made her look at him and gently planted a kiss on her forehead.

Taehyung: "You're perfect, Ji. You are so fucking perfect!" He said lovingly before closing the gap between their lips.

Taehyung is on the phone talking to his mother.

***The other end of the conversation is not audible***

"You should stop sending these stuff, mom! You've been buying clothes and a lot of things for the baby!"

"I know, I know. We appreciate it but it's just too much! The baby won't need all of these, mom."

Basically, Taehyung's mother has been buying baby stuff and have it delivered to Taehyung and Jisoo's place. At first, Taehyung finds it nice to have his mom show her excitement about having the baby but then he seemed to have gotten tired of receiving all the things that his mother has been buying and sending to their place almost every day.

"This should be the last purchase you will make, mom. We can't accept other things. All of these items and furnitures will no longer fit in the baby's room."

"What?! What do you mean we need to buy a bigger place?"

Surprised, confused... Taehyung doesn't really know what to feel at this moment. While there's Jisoo, sitting pretty on the couch. She was listening carefully to what Taehyung is saying while caressing her stomach.

"You realized that it's just me, Jisoo, and the baby right? I only have a small family, mom. Having a big house is not necessary."

"Of course, I have plans to grow my family! But it's not like it's happening too soon, mom."

"You are overreacting, mom. It's just too much."

Well, he appreciates how his mother now cares for him and his family but isn't she overreacting??? Taehyung finds it too much.

After some time, Taehyung ended the phone call with his mother. For some reason, he felt exhausted after talking to her.

Taehyung sighs deeply before walking toward Jisoo. He sat beside her and rested his head on her shoulder.

Taehyung: "Mom's going mad. She's going crazy buying all these things." He said softly as he wrap his arm around her stomach.

Jisoo: "She's just excited." She said, smiling.

Taehyung: "Hmm. But I'm happy that mom changed her mind. It's such a relief to know that she understands us now and supports us." He told her as he caresses the side of her stomach.

Jisoo: "Yeah, I"m glad that she finally accepted our relationship and our baby." She whispered.

"All we need to think about now is your father." She added.

Taehyung's phone has been ringing non-stop, making Jisoo wake up from her slumber. She grabbed the phone on the bedside table and looked at the time, 6:10 AM.

Seeing that Taehyung already left the bed, Jisoo thought that he might be in the bathroom preparing for the day. Having no choice, she lazily sat down and answered the call.


Her sleepyness has seemed to immediately disappear hearing the other person on the line. She looked shocked.

Instantly, her heart flutters and cold sweats started to take over her body.

With eyes wide open, Jisoo opened her mouth and tried to say something but nothing is coming out. By this time, Taehyung went out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist.

Taehyung's forehead creased seeing the expression on Jisoo's face.

Taehyung: "What's wrong, love?" He asked soon as he reached her side.

Slowly, Jisoo dropped the phone on the bed. The call has ended.

Taehyung: "Baby, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

Taehyung who is now sitting in front of her looked at her with a concern face.

Taehyung: "Who was it, babe?" He asked.

Jisoo swallowed a lump on her throat before taking a deep long breath.

"I-It was y-your dad."

"H-he thought I-I'm..."



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Hello guys! This chapter is a bit shorter than the usual. Apologies as I do not have so much time to write this week. Work has been crazy this week! I was actually away from home for work and just came back. I haven't had enough rest yet. :(

I hope I can write longer chapter next weekend or probably 2 chapters.

Thank you and stay safe!

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