32 | Through Ashes

Start from the beginning

Keep it together. I just need to stay calm, and he will leave me alone.

Please leave me alone.

"You won't last long. I bet you'll be the next to die. Too weak for this world. You might as well just end it all, one less mouth to feed."

He does have a point.

He was so wrong about me. He didn't know anything about me, not even a simple fact that would lead him to have any opinion of me, yet his words struck me. maybe he was right, maybe he was wrong, who knows.

But truly I had gotten so used to degrading words being yelled at me that Shane's words seemed so light compared to others.


Both I and Shane turned towards the direction the voice came from, to see Rick marching his way through the field towards us.

"I gotta talk to you, brother!"

Shane looked me dead in the eyes before letting me go and turning towards his best friend.

Rick made eye contact with me as if to ask me if everything was okay. He looked back at Shane before turning to me and giving me a nod.

I sent a nod in return to show my appreciation, before speed walking away from the scene, and heading towards the RV that was set near the house, where Rick's group camped.


"Oh, come on! You can't deny it, Glenn." I laughed as I spoke, shielding my face with my hand from the bright sun on the rooftop of the RV.

His lucky ass has Dale's hat.

"What! There's nothing going on with me and Maggie" his voice got all high and squeaky, just like it always did when he was nervous. He was avoiding eye contact with me and fidgeting with his fingers. Yet, there was a giant smile on his face that told me everything I needed to know.

He's happy.

"Is she your first girlfriend?" I asked seriously, unable to hide my smile when I saw the blush on his cheeks.

"If that's what she is, then yeah. She's the first girl that's made me feel this way"

He was clearly in love, or on the verge of falling in love.

It slightly gave me hope, that maybe the world hadn't fully died yet, that maybe there were still some new flowers blooming through the ashes.

The sound of heavy footsteps cut my thoughts short. Glenn and I turned our heads to see who the angry footsteps belonged to, and of course, they led ut to Officer Asshole.

"S'up" Glenn was met with silence as Shane barged into the RV below us.

Glenn and I made eye contact, before busting out in laughter.

"His head looks like a discombobulated egg" I managed to say in between laughs.

"Shut up! He can probably hear you" Glenn whisper yelled in response as he threw his hat at me, the one with the smashed egg in it.

"You ass-"

Shane walked back out, cutting my sentence short."

"You see where he went?" he asked Glenn.

I blocked out the rest of their short conversation, as I was too focused on trying not to burst out in laughter over Shane's bald head and angry red face and fuming breaths.

Glenn turned to me, looking very confused with whatever Shane had told him, and said

"Dudes fully lost it"

A Simple Coincidence // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now