15 | Dream Dream Dream

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Eleanore's POV.


I wake up with a gasp, panic filled me, and I frantically looked around.

What? I'm in a hallway?

I found Daryl crouching down to my level his hand on my shoulder and slight concern barely showing on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here. sleeping on the ground."
He asked. I tried to recall how I got there, but I couldn't, I didn't know where I was or how long I had been there for.

"I- I don't know, how did I get here?"
I ask confusing still looking around to find anything that could help me remember.

Did I drink that much?

Then it hit me, all of it.

"Oh my God, I uh, I came here after Shane said that stupid stuff. Then uh, I don't- Dr. Davidson! He was here, he followed me and wouldn't let me leave, he uh- put something in my neck. He drugged me. I know he did. He took me away, and I don't know what- where the hell is he?" I spoke fast, moving my hands around trying to explain to him what had happened. Yet in return, I only got an annoyed look of disbelief. I was breathing fast, my heart beating faster than ever, begging him to understand, to believe me.

"Calm down women, you sound crazy. And you're drunk." He said in a calm tone compared to mine

"What! No, I know what I saw, okay. I'm not crazy"

Am I crazy?

"You probably had another dream. Get up, they're showing us around" he tried getting up, but I clutched onto his hand not letting him move. I stare into his eyes, the cold and calm eyes

"Daryl, I'm telling you, he did something, he drugged me then took me to a lab! I think it was a lab." I looked down furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

Was it a lab?

"I'm tellin' you. Ya drunk" he snatched his hands away from me and got up.

Was it a dream? Or did it really happen? It left real. I mean I was drunk but I still remember if that happened. Right?

"Come on I don't got all day!" his voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly followed after him.

Maybe he's right.


The doctor's voice was faint in the background, as we all followed behind them. They were explaining the place and where we can stay and what we can do. My mind kept playing tricks on itself, telling me things, and I didn't know which was real and which wasn't.

"If you shower, go easy on the hot water"

That made all of us stop.

"there's a shower?" I whispered to Glenn who was beside me.

He looked at me and T and smiled, "Hot water?"

"That's what the man said," said T from my other side, the three of us shared a look and all smiled.



There were empty offices and rooms for everyone. Rick and his family took one of the bedrooms, Dale and Glenn took another, And I didn't pay attention to the rest, but almost everyone was situated somewhere. I had my belongings in hand waiting in front of the shower doors for my turn. Laughter was heard from the stalls and the sound of the shower heads spilling water echoed through the glass doors.

Glenn walked out one of the doors looking really clean, he looked up and saw me standing there a started laughing, then made a disgusted face looking at me up and down.

"Ew, look at you, you're so dirty" he came close and sniffed me "Ew, you smell" he moved away.

"I- you- Glenn!" I hit his chest and he burst out of laughter getting away from me.

"I'm just kidding! the showers all yours. Enjoy" he said pinching my cheek before walking out with his dirty clothes in his hand.

When I finally stepped into the bathroom there was a mirror in front of me. And what I saw in the reflection mortified me.

"Oh. My. God."

I looked like I had just escaped the garbage monster. Dirt on my face and neck, sweat making me glow, the ugly kind of glow. There were cuts on my face and shoulders, dried blood covered me, and my hair. Oh jeez. Even though it was in a bun I could see the dried tree leaves sticking out, my light brown hair was a darker dirty brown, greasy and smelly. The closer I got the worse I looked. I untied my hair, and it didn't even move, a sigh left, my lips as I put m things on the ground and slowly peeled my clothes off.

I was clearly underweight, and more bruises and cuts were revealed. Tears swelled in my eyes as a stared at the shell of the woman I used to be. I rubbed my arms and slowly walked towards the shower, turning it on. The heavenly warm water hitting me like clouds. I closed my eyes and let it all sink in, smiling softly before I got to scrubbing. I watched as the blood and dirt fell from my body and drained out at the shower floor.

I didn't take long, and I made sure not to use too much water, after all, I wasn't the only one here.

When I got out, I dried myself and put on my cleanest pair of black cargo pants and a dark purple tank top. I looked through the bathroom to find anything to fix the way I looked.

I brushed my hair and thankfully found a pair of tweezers which I took with me. when I stepped in front of the mirror again I looked closer to what I looked like, which was enough.

Stepping out of the bathroom, it was dead quiet in the hallway. A couple of lights were on, and I saw Glenn's room's light was on, so I quietly walked over to the room.

When I had finally made it to his door, he walked out bumping into me.

"woah, I was just about to call for you. There's an empty office down the hall and I have a mottle of vodka, wanna join?" I asked with a smirk.

"Im sorry, who are you?" he asked confused.


"its Elleanore you ass"

"No way, Elleanore is dirty and smelly, you don't look like her," he said trying to hide his smile.

"Glenn! Call me Smelly one more time and I'm puking on you" I said before dragging along towards the office.

"Wait let's get T-dog" he said while laughing. I was starting to like Glenn, he was treating me like a friend, like he knew me for years. he didn't judge and he didn't ask too many questions. He made me feel comfortable.

"Alright meet me there"

A Simple Coincidence // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now