20| Nightmare Child

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Day 66

And then she died!

Ha-ha, just kidding, I wouldn't do that. I'm still alive, barely. 

I had woken up around an hour ago, no one was there so I just laid down for a while, then I found my notebook. It somehow survived so I just continued writing. I had a horrible headache, maybe the worst I've ever had.

I could feel my body heat up sometimes, but then it got extremely cold.

I think I have a fever. I can't tell. I'll just ask someone to check.

I had no idea where I was or how long it had been, I had no memory of any of it. Just some bits and pieces; I could remember Daryl being on top of me at some point. I could remember being in excruciating pain. I could also remember some random things like either Glenn or Daryl talking, and there was some type of argument at some point.

"You left her in there alone?" I could hear talking outside, then the door of the RV opened revealing Daryl and Glenn following close behind.

"Hey boys" I waved at them, looking through droopy eyes, my voice came out very hoarse, "Oh my, I sound old" I coughed, trying to clear my throat. I looked up again, to see both men in shock, not moving an inch. "uh hello, Earth to humans?" the little activity was making me tired already, so I just laid back down facing the ceiling. "Let me know when ya'll are back to normal"

"Ella! You're awake?!" Glenn spoke, I winced at the level of his voice, too loud for my liking.

Ignore the nickname ignore the nickname. It's just a nickname, don't think about her.

"Ugh, Glenn quiet, please. My head is killing me, just shush" I whispered closing my eyes.

"Sorry. How are you feeling?"

I raised my head and gave him two thumbs up, "awesome, incredible, never been better. Use your damn head, delivery boy. I feel like literal horse crap"

"You sure look like some" now that came from the one and only Pocahontas.

I gasped, putting a hand on my chest, acting offended. I honestly couldn't care less. even if I looked like crap, so what. I still look better than most people on their good days. before the apocalypses. 

"Oh, there you are, my lovely sunshine. Now would you fine gentlemen like to explain what the hell happened? Oh, and by the way" I made eye contact with Daryl before speaking again, "I told you it wasn't a dream, I knew Dr. shitface did something to me and you didn't believe me. I was right"


Time is a tricky matter. It passes by at the same pace but it could feel different. Sometimes it feels as if time is going by extremely slow, other times it seems as if there isn't enough time. In my case, two whole days had passed without me even knowing or being conscious. Daryl and Glenn had explained to me everything that had happened and what the new plans were. We were heading to Forth Benning. In hopes to find someplace safe. I was still extremely sick, my whole body felt weak. Whatever Dr. Davidson tested on me had almost killed me, it still might. I hated the fact that I had no idea what was happening to my body, I hated that I didn't have control, or any say over it. I felt so invaded; I had failed to protect myself once again. 

Glenn's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You had us so worried. You should've seen Daryl. He almost beat Shane up just for tying you to the bed." Glenn said with a chuckle, not noticing the glare that Daryl was giving him. As soon as Glenn realized what he said, he looked up to Daryl and laughed nervously before waving goodbye to me and speed walking out of the RV.

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