9 | Tired

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*Possible triggers: drug abuse, physical abuse*

I've always been dependant on myself, even when I was a kid. I've grown up way sooner than I should have. Mostly because of my stepfather but also in general, I was a mature kid. Life wasn't good for me, even before the end of the world. Every man I've ever trusted has broken that trust. Most of my friends have betrayed me or used me. On my 18th birthday, I moved out. My mom was against it at first, but she was convinced when I told her that I had a really good job waiting for me in Atlanta. There was no job. I lived in my car for the first months, worked 3 jobs and barely made a living. Soon enough I got a small apartment with one of my coworkers. She was my closest friend. We spent all our time together; she was only a year older than me. She introduced me to her crowd, and I started to hang out with them almost every day. We partied every night, got drunk till we blacked out and made it home when the sun was up. I quit one of my jobs and worked as a bartender at a club at night, which paid well. And worked at a restaurant during the day.

I didn't realize the turn my life was taking at the time, but I see it clearly now. I thought that my life was going great when in reality, it was a snowball rolling downhill.

I was high most of the time, I barely remember some of the months that passed. I met a guy who I fell in love with. Only man I've ever loved. It was the best time of my life. At first. He turned out to be abusive and very manipulative. I was trapped with him for almost two years. He even convinced me to move in with him because he told me he wanted to spend more time with me. What I didn't realize was that he was stealing my freedom. He cut off my independence because even if I were to leave him, I had would have no where to go.

I escaped my abusive stepfather, only to be trapped in the golden cage my abusive boyfriend built for me.

thoughts were taking me down the familiar dark road once again, but thankfully a voice pulled me out of my own jail cell.

"You been out there long?" Daryl asked focused on the road ahead. I didn't know how long we had been on the road, but I knew it hadn't been that long.

"Since the start" I replied quietly. Which was very unusual for me, but I thought he wouldn't notice since he didn't pay attention to me or even cared to.

"On your own?" he questioned glancing at me for a split second before looking back at the road.

"Mhm," I hum resting my head against the window. I could feel his gaze burning through me, making me look at him. I avoided his eyes and said "I'm gonna try to sleep, wake me up if you need anything" before curling back against the window. 

Daryl's Pov

Merle is gone.

Camp is gone.

What the hell are we gonna do now.

Rick thinks we gotta get to the CDC for some cure. I ain't belivin' that shit. I don't even know why I'm going with 'em. I'm better off on my own. It's been me and Merle since the start, now I left my own damn brother behind to go with these people.

When Rick sent me to find Eleanore I was annoyed as shit, but I went anyway. I heard her cry. Never in my life had I felt bad for a woman. But for some stupid reason, I felt bad for her.

She was alone, just like me.

I didn't get how she was always smilin' and happy.

Stupid girl.

No one was happy, how could she still be happy with this mess of a world.

She's gonna get herself killed.

A Simple Coincidence // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now