7 | Better Off Alone

864 16 11

Day 62

The night was restless. I helped the people in any way I could. We finished off the people who had died and burned the dead ones that had attacked.

The sun was up in no time. Some people were sitting around, some were still shocked by the events of the night. I was with the working bunch. I honestly didn't know what to do, so I thought it was best to keep myself busy. Plus, they needed all the help they could get.

The woman from last night whose name I learned was Andrea; still hadn't moved away from her sister, Amy.

People tried to convince her to let go. None of them succeeded.

Rick had gone to try and explain to her how things were. She pointed a gun at him.


It was later that mourning. Most of the dead were dealt with. Andrea still hadn't moved, and we were running out of time. Amy was going to turn any minute now.

Some people were gathered in front of the RV. I was away from them, standing beside Glenn. It seemed like Daryl had suggested something but none of them approved. He turned back and walked towards us to continue working.

"Wake up, Jimbo. We've got some work to do!" Daryl said in an angry tone walking towards us.

Daryl and some guy started dragging a dead one towards the fire that we had set up to burn them.

"What are you guys doing? This is for geeks. Our people go over there" Glenn said to them, pointing towards a row where we had set for the people that they knew.

"What's the difference they're all infected" Daryl defended.

"Our people go in that row over there," Glenn said in a shaky voice. They stopped dragging the body and both looked at Glenn. "We don't burn them! We bury them. Understand?" Glenn said in a much higher voice. It wasn't a question it was a demand. They did as Glenn instructed.

I stepped forward and put a hand on Glenn's shoulder. He tensed for a moment but once he saw it was me, he relaxed.

"Come on" I said nodding towards another geek. We went over to drag him towards the fire when Daryl decided to have an outburst.

"Y'all left my brother for dead!. You had this coming!" he yelled.

Shaking my head, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and went back to work with Glenn.

Then suddenly a woman started yelling.

"A walker got him! A walker bit Jim!"

That got everyone's attention.

Jeez, why would she rat him out like that? She could have done it in a much better way.

We all left whatever we were doing and went over to him. People started to surround him. He was panicking. Panting heavily and pacing around. While muttering 'I'm okay'

"Show it to us" Daryl came pickaxe in hand. When Jim didn't comply, he raised his pickaxe "Show it to us"

Jim turned around and picked up a shovel; I guess to protect himself.

Everyone around started panicking. Telling him to calm down or put the shovel down. It was chaos all over again.

T came from behind holding his arms while Daryl lifted his shirt. I, along with many others, was watching what was happening.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim kept repeating while everyone just looked at him.

I felt bad for the guy. I didn't know him, but no one deserved any of this.

A Simple Coincidence // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now