16 | Snow Angel

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Sometime later I found myself on the floor laughing and crying with Glenn, T, and Daryl who had joined us after hearing us laughing. 

I didn't even know why we were laughing but we were all wasted. the one bottle of vodka that we started with had turned into 3 empty ones.  and for the first time, I saw a smile on Daryl's face. 

We had shared about ourselves a little bit, nothing too deep, just things we liked and how we felt about this whole thing.

"What does it even feel like to be  a walker?" I asked between laughter, taking a swing from the bottle that Glenn passed to me.

"Dead!" Glenn yelled out making me choke on air and laugh even more.

I looked up to lock eyes with Daryl who was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

Hot alert!

"What are you smirking at sunshine?" I asked raising my eyebrows glancing at Glenn and T had who had their own conversation going on and wasn't paying any attention to us. 

looking back at Daryl, he didn't say anything he just looked down shaking his head. I got up and walked over to him; well more like swayed over to him. I was drunk, but I was still aware  of my surroundings and had some control over myself.

"Never thought I'd see the big bad wolf actually letting loose" I spoke before plopping down next to him, my body towards him and neglected crossed. I looked up at him facing my concern before bringing my hand up to his forehead and checking his temperature. "Are you sick? Did you eat something bad?" I pouted.

He pulled his face away from my hand and glared at me, "There it is!" I cheered clapping my hands excitedly.

"Leave me alone" he grunted,

"And why would I do that when I can annoy you instead" I gave him an innocent look before putting my head on his shoulder, I felt his body tense under my head but I was too drunk to care. "You think this will last? It seems too good to be true. Food, water, safely, even electricity. Somethings bound to go wrong" I was serious at that point, all of the joy had left my body. I felt his head nod in agreement.

"Somethings bound to go wrong" he repeated my words, confirming my tought. He passed me the bottle in his hand, letting me take a swing before taking it back.

Glenn and T had long left, and the room was now empty and quiet. It was a comfortable quietness, one that was much needed. It seemed as tough Daryl also needed a moment because he let out a deep sigh.

I closed my eyes and started huming, nothing in particular, just a comforting sound.


When she came towards me I was annoyed, she annoyed me. Just her existence annoyed me.

Stupid girl

What did she know about anything, she was so clueless, always joking and smiling like nothing was wrong with the world.

I hated her for it, for being happy, I bet she thinks all this is a joke.

But she was right, the CDC was too good to be true. Which made me think, maybe she isn't all that clueless.

Her head on my shoulder wasn't comfortable, I didn't like it. I hated it.

I wanted her away from me. I looked around too see we were alone. No one could see us, no one would see me letting her be so close, and actually touching me.

Maybe I should just let it go, what's so bad about this?

I let out a sigh, giving in to whatever it was. Her humming was comforting, I may have even liked it, but I'd never let anyone know.

My mom used to hum to me when I was little. A long time ago, before she was dead.

I miss her

What the hell was I doing, I was showing weakness, to a person, to someone I just met. Before I could pull away from her She started giggling and got up. The annoying sound turned into laughter, a sound from hell.

"What the hell are you laughin at" I asked rudely, a little too rude.

Outa nowhere she collapsed down to the ground, making me jump up and rush to her. She was making a snow angel without snow, and laughing non-stop.

What the hell is wrong with this women.

It was just my luck to be stuck with a crazy women. Typical dixon luck.

"Get up, you freak" I kicked her leg gently, trying to get her attention.

"Bibidi babidi boo!" Was all she said before laughing again. "Oh My God, can we go out and play with the snow? Please!" She had gotten up and walked towards the door by the time I caught her arm.

"No, there's no snow, there's walkers. Wanna play with them?"

"No" she pouted, "last time I tried it didn't go so well-" her hicup cut her off.

All the alcohol was kicking in stronger now that time passed. And I couldn't just let her roam around like that.

"Come on" I pulled her by her hand and led her to the bed that was in the middle of the room.

"Ou, where are you taking me Mr.Dixon" she asked in a seductive voice.

Holy hell, how am I suposed to deal with this women.

I had dealt with drunk people often, my dad being a drunk improved my skills of dealing with drunks. But I'd never dealt with a women, let alone someone I barely knew.

"To sleep" I answered shortly, I didn't want to invite any conversation.

"Oh, wow, I didn't know we were there, but okay. Sleeping with you doesn't sound so bad" she shrugged before taking her shoes off and plopping on the bed, she scooted over and got under the blanket before looking up at me.

"No, you're sleeping. I'm leaving" I said before turning around to walk to the door, but her soft voice stopped me.

"Wait... stay, please? I'm scared." She whispered, I could barely hear her.

I turned around to find her tucked in and eyes closed. Confusing filled me as I looked at her.

What does she mean? What is she scared of?

I hadn't realized I had spoked my thoughts outloud until I heard her response.

"Dr.davidson. he'll take me again, I don't want him to take me again."

I sighed, she still thought that doctor had taken her to his lab.

I laid down at the very end of the bed, as far away from her as possible, facing the ceiling with my arms on my stomache. I wasn't going to actually sleep there, I was just staying until she fell asleep.

"Thank you" I almost didn't hear it, she was quiet for a couple of minutes, before I heard her even breaths, followed by the softest snores I had ever heard.

Looking over to her, she looked peaceful, cliché, I know. But she did, she had a little bit of drool pooling down at the pillow, which made me chuckle. She was never gonna hear the end of this.

My eye lids got heavier and soon sleep won the battle. And the last thing I saw was her gentle face safe beside me.


I haven't written in a while, sorry about that.

I would apriciate some feedback, letting me know how anyone that's reading is liking things. What do you want more of ? What do you dislike?

This chapter is unedited and written in school, so keep that in mind.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and comment.

A Simple Coincidence // Daryl DixonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant