27 | Plates And Cups

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It was a common thing in my life, so common that it become hard for me to truly feel shock when unnatural things happened.

For a while, nothing shocked me. Too many things had happened around me that I had become accustomed to expecting the unexpected. Knowing that whatever bad thing happens, something worse than it, will always happen. The man-eating dead humans had been the latest shock.

Until I saw him.

His back, his scars. The faded-out lines on his bare dirty back. Decorating him like sprinkles on a birthday cupcake. Only the sprinkles weren't colourful and pretty, they were harsh and painful, and the cupcake didn't have tasty icing on it, it had years of unimaginable trauma. Scars as if they were ropes, tightening around him and holding him hostage. Lines that made golden paths on his back, the path to the side of him I didn't know existed.

Scars that looked all too familiar.

I couldn't stop the tears in my eyes, or my feet from running out of the room, leaving behind a pained Daryl, with Hershel attending to his wound, and Rick and Shane interrogating him.

Thank God he didn't see me.

The warm air hit my face as I walk out to the porch. The hot sun beaming down on me, it not having a clue of the whereabouts of earth.

Unaware of how long it had been, the sound of heavy footsteps warned me of approaching company. More specifically, Officer assholes company. When I didn't hear him say anything, or approach me, I spoke up without turning around.

"I know you're there, Shane."

Once again, I heard him take a couple more steps until I felt his shadow sit beside me on the stairs.

"You're back" it sounded like more like a statement rather than a question.

"No, it's just my ghost. Boo" I said, facing him to see an annoying smile plastered on his face while his eyes squinted from the bright sun.

"Daryl had a doll on 'em. Sophia's," he said looking away.

I knew about the doll. So I only nodded. My eyes unwillingly falling down to his displayed torso. He was wearing a button-up shirt, with all the buttons undone, showing off his muscular chest, it was hard not to look.

Ashamed, I look down, and took a sip of my water as he spoke.

"Loris pregnant. I'm pretty sure it's mine-"

Water went everywhere.

I spit out all and any water in my mouth getting it all over myself and some on Shane as well, while trying not to die from coughing mixed with laughter.

"Good one! I'll give you that!" I said between laughs, whipping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Looking at him and his serious face made me stop laughing, letting the water drip down my neck as I tried to grasp at the ridiculous information, he had shared with me.

"You are one stupid officer you know? Do you not know the universal rule of sex?" I started counting on my fingers "Wrap it before you tap it, No glove no love, bag it before you tag it, avoid the dread cover your head, don't be a fool wrap your tool-"

"Okay! I get it. Jeez, do you ever shut up?"

"Do you ever use a condom?" I fired back, tilting my head to the side, daring him to say anything else.

Loris pregnant. She's Pregnant with a baby.

A small smile played on my lips as I thought about a baby. Imagining what its life would be like in a world owned by the dead.

A Simple Coincidence // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now