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~Eight Years Ago~

A blinding light flashes through Luz's eyes as she steps through the portal door. She looks behind her at the shack, the door connecting her home world to the world she had made her home.

With a deep breath, and a heavy feeling in her stomach, she makes her way out of the woods to the house she shared with her mother. The leaves of the tree sway in the wind, calming her nerves ever so slightly. When she arrives at the front of the door, she gently hugs her arms to keep from trembling. She slowly knocks on the door, waiting patiently until her mother opens the door.

"Mija...?" Camila asks, her voice barely above a whisper. Luz gives her a nervous smile. "Hola, mama... I'm back." she says. Camila pulls Luz into a tight hug. "Oh Luz! I'm so happy you're finally home, you have no idea!"

Luz chuckles nervously. "Yeah... It's good to see you Ma." she hugs back. Camila pulls away from the hug to look at her daughter's scarred face. "Oh, bebe. Your poor face."

"It's not that bad." Luz says. Camila scoffs softly. "Come in, come in. I'll make some sandwiches for Lunch."

The two head inside to the kitchen, Luz trying to figure out the best way to speak to her mother about what's on her mind. Meanwhile, Camila prepares some sandwiches for the two with a pep in her step. As she finishes and sets a plate in front of Luz, she notices her daughter's nervous look.

"Mija? What's the matter? Aren't you glad to be home?" she asks. Luz looks up. "Oh, of course, mama. I'm so glad to see you again. But, I've been thinking a bit..."

Camila raises a brow, while Luz takes a deep breath. "IwannastayontheBoilingIsles!" she says quickly, the look of shock on Camila's face making it apparent that Camila understood. After a moment of silence, Luz decides to continue. "It's actually a really nice place. I've made friends - real ones! Not imagined or drawn. Or reptilian! Like Eda and King. They took me in when I first got to the Isles, and now they're like a second family to me. Oh, and Willow and Gus. They're the nicest people you'll ever meet. Hunter is a little bit of a sad one, but he's been better about warming up to people. And Amity, that's my girlfriend, she-"

Camila puts her hand up, cutting Luz off. "But Mija... You promised when you got back..."

With more anxiety suddenly surging through her, Luz tries to suppress the lump forming in her throat. "I-I know, Mom. But I've learned a lot from staying on the Isles. I feel like I've really found myself and it's become like a home to me."

Camila's eyes start to water. But then her tone changes. "No."

Luz looks at her mother in shock. "Mama-"

"No, Luz. You only have one home, and that home is here!"

Luz feels tears well up in her eyes. "Ma..."

"Luz, you have to understand, I'm only doing what's best for you." Camila says.

"But mom. The Boiling Isles are beautiful! I love it, and I know you would too!" Luz says. Then, she gets an idea. "Ooh, why don't we go over together. The portal is nearby so we can go whenever you want. I'd love to introduce you to my friends and Eda, and I know they'd be so happy to meet you!"

Camila shakes her head. "Luz, I said no. That's final. If you don't like it, you can leave."

Luz feels her heart break at her mother's words. "Mama, you can't mean that..."

"I do, Luz."

Luz thinks for a moment, before reaching her decision, she stands up and goes toward the door. She hesitates for a moment, glancing back at her mother.

"Fine, but don't come crawling back when that world turns on you." Camila says coldly, turning her back with her arms crossed.

Luz sighs and opens the door, leaving her mother's home for the last time.

~Present Day~

"And then I came back through the portal crying." Luz finishes her story, squeezing Amity's hand gently.

"I remember... You never told me what happened, but I do remember you crying yourself to sleep for the six months after that." Eda says.

"Yeah... but as time went on, I learned to accept it. I thought I was fine. But then she came back, and all the feelings from that day were slowly coming back to me. As much as a part of me wanted to hug her and tell her I missed her... the rest of me was so mad that she did that..."

Amity leans her head on Luz's shoulder. Luz smiles. "But enough of that. Two months from now, I'm going to be married to the love of my life. And nothing- I mean NO THING- is going to ruin that for me."

Amity smiles, giving Luz a small peck on the cheek. "Not even our moms?"

"ESPECIALLY not our hellspawn mothers." Luz says, a hint of determination in her voice. Amity giggles.

Eda smiles. "Well, it's getting late. If you kids wanna stay, I'll make some food."

Willow shakes her head. "Thank you for the offer, Miss Owl Lady. But I promised my dads I'd go over to their house for dinner tonight."

Amity looks at Luz. Luz nods. "Amity and I will stay for a bit, if you don't mind."

"Alright, but you're helping me cook, kid."

"Does that mean Raine is coming over?" Luz smirks, raising a brow.

"Shut up." Eda says, turning her head to hide her blush. Amity and Luz give each other a knowing look, giggling.

Soon, Willow had to leave for her dads', and Luz had to help Eda prepare dinner while Amity laid boredly on the couch with King. Her mind shifts to the wedding, and she starts to smile.

Nothing will ruin this wedding.

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