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~About a week later~

Luz sits in the chair of the office she spent most of her workdays in, reading a book on potions off the shelf. "Ooh, whatcha readin'?" Her boss asks. Luz looks up at the young woman, who was only about two years older than her.

"Wassup, Lillie Billie." She says in a playful tone. "Oh, you never RSVP'd to my wedding."

"Oh, so you did mean to send me that?" The girl, allegedly named Lillie, asks. Luz nods. "Yup. So, you coming? I've already sent one to Vi and the others."

Lillie thinks about it, pulling her blue hair into a loose ponytail. "Sure, why not?" she says. Luz claps excitedly. "Yay! I'll make sure to tell Amity." She says, going back to her book.

"So, that's a pretty big potion you're reading about there." Lillie says, sitting across from her.

"Yup. The wedding is in two months, so me and Amity are trying to think about what comes next." Luz says, continuing her research.

"Welp. If you want help with that, let me know. I was in the potions track, among others, when I went to school. So I'd be able to help you.

"Well aside from a potion maker, I need a healer, a bard, and a beastkeeper." Luz says, reading out of the book.

"Yeah, me and Vi could handle that no problem. I remember having to team up with her on this. We did the potion on ratworms."

"Did it work?" Luz asks. "Yes, though it wasn't very effective and didn't last long. There are many different versions of that potion, with varying levels of effectiveness. The less effective it is, the less side effects there are and a decreased chance of complications. When we tried a more effective version, the ratworm went into a HUGE coma!" Lillie rambles, putting her feet up on the table.

"Whoa." Luz stops for a moment, rethinking everything. "But if it makes you feel better, it woke up by the end of the semester and everything was good." Lillie finishes, grabbing a crumpled piece of paper from the table and tossing it at the ceiling.

"Yeah, but I don't want something like that happening to me or Amity." Luz says. "Has it ever been tested on witches before?"

"Well, yes. They wouldn't let us do it in school, for obvious reasons. But the Healing Coven would do it all the time." Lillie says. "In fact, I'm pretty sure they trained Healing Track students to do it, hence the ratworms."

"Do you think it's painful...?" Luz asks. Lillie thinks. "Well when I saw it, it was just an injection. But you and Amity aren't ratworms so it may be different? That's the kind of thing you'd want to ask a healer."

Luz looks back at the book, thinking for a moment before a small ringing goes through the room. Luz pulls out her phone and answers the call. "Hello?"

"Luz?" Willow's voice sounds in her ear, with a small hint of concern. "Willow? What's up?" She asks. "It's Amity. She came to my house today for wedding stuff, and then she started acting all dazed and stumbling around and saying silly things. Maybe she was drinking or something?"

Luz thinks about her options, before sighing. "Can you get her over to the Owl House? Maybe Eda can help her until I can get off of work?" Luz suggests. "Yeah, I'll talk to Eda and see what we can do until you get there."

"Alright. Be careful with her." Luz says. "Don't worry. We'll see you soon." With that, Willow hangs up the phone. Luz sighs, looking over at her boss. "Soooooo..."

Lillie chuckles. "Go ahead. I'll clock you out later."

Luz quickly stands up, rushing to the door. "You're the best boss ever! See you in a few days."

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