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~Next morning~

Amity wakes up, her head resting on Luz's chest. With her eyes fluttering open, she feels her fiancé's hand gently playing with her hair. She looks up at Luz, noticing how exhausted she looks. "Batata...? You look terrible! Did you sleep last night?" She asks. As much as Luz wants to feign offense at her 'terrible' comment, all she could do is sigh. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it, Hermosa." Luz replies, leaving a gentle kiss on Amity's forehead. Amity smiles. "Luz, you can't fool me. I see those bags under your eyes. Does it... Does it have something to do with your mom?" Amity asks, wrapping her arms around Luz in a gentle hug.

Luz lets out another sigh. "Yeah, um... I hadn't seen my mom in a long time before last night. We got into a pretty nasty fight last time I saw her. And when she and Eda showed up last night... I was feeling a lot of things and that made it hard to sleep." Luz pauses, taking a glance at Amity, only to find a puzzled look on her face. "Plus," Luz begins, "you looked so pretty, sleeping in the moonlight, I couldn't help staring at you, Mi Amor~"

Amity feels a small blush rise to her cheeks, feeling Luz's hand around her waist. She smiles. "Last night was amazing, Luz. Absolutely perfect." she says. Luz chuckles softly. "I'm just glad you said yes. I was terrified that you'd say no." Luz admits, looking away from her cotton candy-haired goddess, but Amity just looks confused. "Why would I say no? We've been together for 8 years now."

Luz thinks for a moment. "I guess there's always a bit of fear that your partner will say no when you propose. No matter how confident I was that you'd say yes, that fear would constantly grow in the back of my mind like a bad fungus." Luz chuckles. "But enough of that. I wanted to ask you about name changes. Did you want to? Like, you take my last name, or I take yours?" Luz asks, looking at her fiancé. Amity nods her head. "Yeah, I want to take your last name."

"Amity Noceda..." Luz says aloud. "Sounds perfect." she says, Amity giggles softly. "Good. Because your first name with my last doesn't have the same ring to it."

Luz thinks about it for a moment. "Yeah, I'm not gonna even humor that." This causes Amity to laugh.

"So, if this is how it's going to be, then..." Luz then shifts her body, moving to be eye-level with Amity. "...Good morning, Mrs. Noceda."

Amity laughs, pressing her forehead against Luz's. "Good morning to you too, Mrs. Noceda." she says, as Luz cups her cheek and pulls her in for a kiss. Amity returns the kiss, and Luz quickly shifts their position, climbing on top of her fiancé. Amity pulls away. "Aw, are we gonna do that now? I was thinking we could go out this morning. You know, get some food, shop around. And maybe we can scout locations for our... wedding." She says with a blush, which makes Luz chuckle. "Sure, we can go out. But first, we have some unfinished business to attend to." Luz says with a smirk. Amity chuckles. "Sure, but can we try to make it quick? Please?"

"Oh, I can make it super quick~" Luz says, kissing Amity yet again.

~In The Market~

Luz and Amity walk around Bonesborough, just looking for a place to get a decent breakfast. Luz wanders off a bit, while Amity hears a familiar voice calling to her from behind. She turns around and sees her former mentor, as well as Luz's mother, approaching her. She runs to catch up with them. "Miss Lilith! Ms. Noceda... How are you two this morning?" She asks politely. Lilith smiles at her former protege. "We're doing fine. Just a bit of a tour of the isles. Oh! I don't think I got the chance to congratulate you on the engagement last night." Lilith says, making Amity blush. "Oh, well thank you. It was a pleasant surprise." Amity says. Lilith nods. "For us as well. Eda mentioned when we got home that she had no idea Luz was planning it."

Amity looks at her surprised. "So, it seems like my dad was the only one she told, then?" she thinks aloud. "It makes sense." Ms. Noceda suddenly speaks up. "In the Human Realm, when a man wants to marry his girlfriend, he traditionally has to ask the girl's father for his blessing."

"Oh wow. That's interesting. I didn't know that." Amity finally takes a good look at Ms. Noceda. Her brown hair was tied in a bun, and she wore some clothes that were similar in style to Luz's. "So, you must be Luz's mother." she begins, holding out her hand to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Amity, and I'm Luz's girlfriend." She introduces herself politely. "You mean 'fiancé'?" Lilith corrects in a teasing manner. Amity's face turns red in embarrassment. "R-right! Sorry, I'm still kind of getting used to the idea."

Luz's mom shakes Amity's hand, eyeing her up and down. She only stops when she sees Luz come toward them.

"Amity!" Luz says excitedly, wrapping her arms around her fiancé from behind and spinning her around. Amity laughs in delight before Luz lets her down, the two sharing a loving embrace thereafter. "There you are!" Luz says. "I got worried when I tried to show you something and you weren't there!" she pouts, nuzzling her face into Amity's hair. Amity smiles. "I'm sorry, Batata. But look who I ran into." Amity says, pulling away from their hug. Luz looks over at the two older women. "Lilith!... Mom... what are you doing here...?" Luz asks through slightly gritted teeth, forcing a smile. Lilith, however, doesn't seem to notice. "I was just showing your mother around Bonesborough. Tomorrow, Hootsifer and I will be taking her to Latissa if either of you want to join us." Lilith offers. Amity sighs. "As much as I'd love to go and get to know you better, Ms. Noceda, I have work tomorrow." Amity explains. All three look to Luz, who starts to sweat nervously. "Aw man, I totally would but uh..." She tries to think quickly. "I... promised Willow I'd help her with... Laundry! Yeah, Laundry."

Amity raises a brow at her excuse. Lilith, again, doesn't seem to notice. "What a shame. Well, I'm sure you two will have time to spend together before she returns to the Human Realm." She says. Luz, wanting to avoid that by any means, decides to ask, "Well, Mom. How long are you planning to stay on the Isles?"

Bad decision.

"Well, Mija, I don't have much to do in the Human Realm these days, so I might as well stay until the wedding.

The Bisexual was too stunned to speak. Amity instantly notices Luz's shock and speaks up. "Well, we haven't done any wedding planning yet. Like, at all. So, the wedding could be anywhere from a few months... to even a year or two from now. So it seems just a bit... unethical for you to stay for so long." Amity says, trying her best not to sound rude. Miss Noceda, however, still gives her an offended glance. "I understand that it could take a while, but I'm still going to choose to stay. Plus, maybe I could even help you both with planning the wedding." she suggests.

This makes Luz choke on the air around her. Coughing, she manages to choke out a few words. "W-well it was *cough cough cough* nice to see you both, but we have to get going."

Without allowing the others to speak, Luz speed walks away, taking Amity with her.

Needed You (The Owl House Lumity Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें