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Amity takes a deep breath, before knocking on the door in front of her. She smiles when her Plant Witch friend answers.

"Amity! It's good to see you!" Willow says happily, drying her wet hair with a towel. "Hey Willow. Did I catch you at a bad time?" Amity asks, noticing Willow's damp hair and clothes. Willow shakes her head. "Nonono! You're fine! I just got out of the shower a few minutes ago. Besides, it's never a bad time for a Girls' Day!"

Yes, today is their weekly Girls' Day. Willow steps aside to let Amity in. "So, where's Luz?" Willow asks. "Luz had some training to do for work, so it's just us for today. Sorry." Amity smiles sheepishly, taking off her shoes (as per Willow's request) and sitting on the couch. Willow smiles. "That's great! Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with Luz too, but I feel like I won't get to spend one-on-one time with you like this after the wedding. Since you'll be spending all your time with your new wiiiifffeeee~." Willow teases, making Amity's face turn bright red. Willow watches in amusement as the Abomination Witch stumbles on her words, trying to get a coherent sentence out.

Willow laughs. "Does Luz know that you still get flustered like this?" she asks, after Amity stops. The cotton-candy haired girl just nods. "Yeah, and she teases me about it sometimes." she chuckles nervously. "I know it's been more than a month, but I still can't believe it. She and I are getting married."

"Soooooo..." Willow says, trying to find a good way to bring this up, "Have you guys thought more about having kids?"

"What is with your obsession with us having kids?" Amity asks with a laugh. "Hey, I've been wondering what your guys' kids would look like for YEARS!" Willow says. Amity starts fidgeting nervously with her hands. "So, I can't say much about that. We both decided to wait until the wedding was closer to talk more about it, but every now and then my mind goes back to it..."

"So, you want to?" Willow asks. "Oh, we already decided that we wanted to, but we don't know when just yet." Amity answers. "Ah. So, it's definitely happening?" Willow asks for confirmation. Amity laughs. "Yes Willow! It'll happen eventually."

Willow giggles. "Sorry. I know you love kids, so I was just curious."

Amity smiles, remembering the times when she would read to children at the library.

Willow smiles devilishly. "So... Are there any specific features from you or Luz you'd want your baby to have?" she asks. Amity blushes. "W-well... I can't say that I have any preferences, but Luz always says she'd want them to have my eyes." She says. Willow nods in understanding. "I can see why. Your eyes are very pretty."

Amity smiles. "Thanks." She chuckles to herself. "I remember when my mom wanted the twins and I to wear blue contacts."

Willow laughs a bit. "Wow, really?" she asks. Amity nods. "Yeah. That was when she wanted me to dye my hair green. She always said she wanted us to be coordinated, but I think deep down she hated that we looked even a little bit like dad." she shrugs. "Once it was official that my parents were getting divorced, Ed and Em started dying their hair brown just to mess with her."

Willow's laugh turns into a giggle. "Sounds like them."

A bit of silence falls over the two. Willow starts fidgeting with her hands. Amity decides to address the elephant in the room. "So, I get the feeling that you want to talk about wedding stuff."

Willow starts to stammer. "Whaaaaa-? Pssshhh, N-No! W-Why would you even think that?"

"Maybe because it's all anyone has wanted to talk about, not that I mind. In fact, people asking about it gives me things that I wouldn't have considered until much later. Like the other day, Emira was asking me about hair and makeup."

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