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~A Few Days Later~

Amity and Luz walk around Bonesborough blindfolded with Willow, Gus, and Hunter leading them. "Willow, can you tell us where we're going yet?" Luz asks, feeling a hand on her wrist, dragging her along. She hears Willow giggle. "Not yet, we're almost there."

"I can't even tell who's leading me. But I know it's not Willow 'cause these hands are smoother." Amity says, feeling the hand around her wrist.

"Yeah, this one is pretty smooth, but it's also pretty small so I think it's Gus." Luz says, and Gus scoffs. "Don't forget that I'm the only thing keeping you from running into all these street poles." Gus mutters just loud enough for the human to hear. Everyone laughs. "Don't worry, it's just a bit farther. We're almost there." The two girls hear Willow's voice say to them, as the boys lead them.

Eventually, they come to a stop. Willow instructs the boys to remove the blindfolds from the engaged couple. When the girls open their eyes, they're met with the sight of a decently sized picnic at the Grom Tree. "SURPRISE!" Their three friends say. "Welcome to your engagement dinner!" Willow says excitedly, sitting on the large picnic blanket, followed by Gus and Hunter.

Luz raises a brow in confusion. "Shouldn't our engagement dinner be, y'know, the dinner we actually got engaged at?" she asks, but Amity gives her a playful glare. "Luz. Free food." Luz chuckles. "Okay, if that's what wifey wants."

The two girls sit down across from their friends and everyone digs into the food. Luz and Amity try to make small talk, asking about Willow's job at the herb shop, and Hunter's relationship with Darius (his adopted father), but all they get are short and vague. Amity, realizing what's going on, starts rubbing her hands together.

"Babe? What are you doing?" Luz asks, watching her confusedly. Amity closes her eyes. "I'm opening up the floor to a free-for-all to answer any questions that they so clearly have about the wedding we haven't started planning yet."

Luz chuckles. "Alright gang, you heard the lady. If you have a question, raise your hand. We'll answer them as best as we can, not promising anything great."

Amity cracks her knuckles and opens her eyes, and the three immediately raise their hands. "Gus, I saw yours go up first. You can start us off." she says, watching the younger boy get really excited. "Okay, okay. First priority: What flavor is the cake gonna be?" he asks. Amity and Luz both look at each other before sharing a laugh. Luz looks over at Gus. "So, we haven't thought that far ahead." Luz starts. "But when we do eventually decide to do all the cake stuff, you three are welcome to join us." Amity finishes. Gus gets excited. "Yes! Cake!"

Luz laughs. "Hunter, I saw your hand go up next, might just be because you're tall, but go for it." she says. Hunter shifts in his seat. "Great. Um, am I allowed to bring Flapjack?" he asks. Willow and Gus make a realization that their palisman would also want to attend.

Amity shifts a bit in her seat, crossing her legs. Luz grabs her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "So, I think we can safely say that all Palisman are welcome to come to the wedding." she says. Amity nods. "Yes, but I will say, for the sake of Ghost, that they do not have to dress up. They can if they want to, but it's entirely up to them." Amity says, thinking about the small cat palisman.

"Awesome. 'Cause as soon as he found out, he started chirping on and on about Top Hats." Hunter says, "What in Hell is a Top Hat?"

Luz laughs. "Okay, Willow? You're up."

Willow moves around in her spot. "Okay, so this is less of a wedding question, and more of a relationship question but I've been curious about it for a while: Do you guys plan on having kids?"

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