Artem's First Love Story Intro: SEVEN YEARS AGO

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Petra's knee presses into mine. I smash the button of the Xbox controller and shift left, recreating the space that was between us. Her knee finds its way to touch mine again.

Not her too. She's so good at Halo. The thought of looking for another person who has a sweet setup like Petra distracts me enough for one of the Flood to jump and kill me.

"Shit." I rise and cover up my frustration with the situation with the frustration over the game. I'll have to start over.

"Never seen you this upset over a game." Petra stands and pushes me playfully in the chest. 

"You're such a mystery sometimes." Her hand moves from my peck to my shoulder. "We can start another round or switch to something a little bit more...athletic."

"You want to go for a run?" I'm not asking because I think she actually wants to, but because I'm trying to find a way out of what will inevitably end in her disappointment and finding excuses not to meet-up again.

Petra smiles and trails her nail over my bicep. "We can get sweaty without leaving the apartment."

My heart sinks. The small hope I had she was talking about a workout shrivels, as I pretend to look around. "Haven't seen any gear here."

"You haven't been to my bedroom." Petra's flirty voice is not what people use when they are offering to show their exercise equipment.



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The experiment continues.

As I explained in the previous chapter, I'll be adding paid content to Love Words.

The story will remain free, but I'll be playing around with backstories, side stories, and alternate POVs via the paywalled content, and am happy to take reqeusts.

The current pricing for the paid chapter is set by Wattpad and not something I can control. The Author Reveal chapters currently are 8 coins, while Bonus Chapters and Story Branch Chapters are 15 coins.

What does each kind of bonus content offer?

Author Reveal Chapters: behind the scenes sneak peeks into the writing of the story, characters, the story's universe, and other writing-of-the-story realted content.

Bonus Chapters:  alternate points of view,  extended scenes, extended epilogues, etc. 

Story Branch Chapters:  side character storyline, alternate storyline, backstory, etc. usually several chapters that branch off a chapter of the story and then comesback to the original jumping off point.

LOVE WORDS WILL REMAIN FREE.  As before, I will aim for four-five  free chapters a month divided between Love Words and Love Expecatations. I do not currently have a set schedule for the paid content, but it will be in addition to, not instead of the regular free chapters.

Thank you to everyone who read my first paid chapter: My Author Reveal (1).

If you read it, you know amore about how Artem as a character came about and who Saorise is. But the summary of their story was just an outline. 

The STORY BRANCH that will begin below will be an eight-chapter short story that delves into everything covered in the summary (and more) and takes you to who Artem was way before he met Linda.

In the end you'll also find  out where and when he met with Brenda, and how they came up with thier plans for B-Art.

You do not need to read this bonus content to enjoy the rest of the story. More FREE (and paid) chapters will be coming in December.



Happy reading!

Thank you for supporting me. I appreciate every read on my stories, whether free or paywalled. Every reader who follows my author journey and the stories my characters tell me is important. Your time is valuable, and I'm thrilled you chose to spend it in the company of Linda and Artem.

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