Can't Sleep

17 1 12

The world is quiet and the stars shine bright above her. The stars, are so free, so beautiful. She wonders what it is like being a star, so far apart from each other but so admired by the people on the ground.

I sigh as I stare up at the sky. The other boys are in the lodging house sleeping but I am unable to. The hunger in my stomach hurts but I can't do anything about it. Some of the younger kids don't make enough money at the end of some days so I give them my food. 

I know it's not good for me but I have to take care of them, they are the only family that I have. I have a mother's instinct over them and a need to always protect them.

It has been one year since the strike ended. I am 16, Jack is 18, and all the boys have grown as well. They are no longer scared little boys who run from a fight, they are tough as nails and don't care about what anyone thinks. 

They even got better at selling. They started buying lots more papes and would sell all of them by the end of the day. We make good money this way.

I decide to go on a walk seeing as I am not gonna be sleeping any time soon. As I take my walk I look up at the sky and see a curtain of dark blues and black that is dotted with a million shining stars. 

I always loved the stars. Something about them was so romantic and mystic. I could stare at the stars in the sky for hours.

Losing track of where I am going, I end up on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge. I'm not supposed to be here at least that's what Jack always says.

 However, I find that the stars look so much brighter on this side of town, not that I have ever been there before but just comparing from my side too their side. 

I lift myself up so I am standing on the railing of the bridge one hand holding onto a support, the whole world melts away and it's just the stars shining happily at me.

I guess I didn't notice it but I was leaning forward, about to fall in when a strong pair of hands grabbed my waist, lifted me up, and put me back on the street.

"Hey!" I shout trying to get out of their grasp "Let me go!"

The figure in front of me just rolls his eyes, letting go of me.

"You should be thanking me kid, I just saved yo life," he says with a strong Brooklyn accent.

"I was in no danger," I say sternly.

"Yous was about to fall in," he says, sounding annoyed "no need to sass back, kid. I was just tryin' to help yous."

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath trying to calm my anger. I look back at him curious to know more about this guy who is oh so cocky.

"You gotta name?" I ask

"Course I do. What kinda person has no name" he responds with a snarky tone.

"Then what is your name Mr. sass," I say having no more patience for him or anyone else tonight for that matter.

"Spot, Spot Conlon"

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