Sad little guys

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-out of character but idc + shut up + u mad -
-I swear I'll write something not so sad soon, I'm just hmmm not in a silly good mood rn-

Leaving work to go home was probably the worst part of Dave's day, the part he truly dreaded the most. He hated going home to the abandoned apartment he lived in and sitting around on his floor mattress and waiting for the next day to come. He didn't have anything really going for him. The highlight of Dave's day was going to work and hanging around with sportsy. 
Jack was probably the only person who had ever wanted to talk to Dave. Everybody else stayed as far away from Dave as they could, it's like they could tell he was a complete weirdo just by looking at him.  It wasn't like they were wrong, but Jack had been the only one to give Dave a chance. Maybe that's what Dave adored about the other so much, the fact that he was willing to simply just put up with Dave was enough to make the Aubergine man melt into a smile.  Jack was the only thing Dave really had to smile about, and he hated the moments they were apart. He hated laying around all evening for the next day to see Jack. He wanted to always see him and he didn't know why.
He hated being alone. Coming home to nothing and no one was nothing new, yet still just as hurtful each time.
Dave would lay on his mattress for an hour or so thinking, before deciding to pick up his phone and shoot Jack a text. But this text was different. It was late at night and Dave didn't know what he was doing, but something in his heart must have guided him to type out not just a few words, but a paragraph instead to his co worker
"Hey sportsy. I know it's late and all, n ur lazy ass is probably asleep. But I wanted to let ya know that ya the best part of my day. I love goin to work and seeing u sport, ya fuckin amazing. U make my day yknow, and I think about u all the damn time, even after work. :)"
And without thinking, Dave hit send. He sent it and watched the risky text deliver- feeling his heart beat in his chest.  He giggled slightly as he stared at his phone waiting for a response. He wanted jack to read the message and return a sweet one in return.
But hours past, and nothing showed. Dave figured that maybe Jack was just asleep. He was probably just tired like always... right..?

: read 1:34 am :
Dave looked at his lit up screen in the dark, casting a white glow into his eyes that were already tearing up. Dave felt stupid. So fucking stupid. He regretted sending such a bold text. It had probably creeped Jack out, or pushed him away. But he knew that the message was read and not responded to. Jack read Dave's feelings to him and had nothing to say. He shouldn't have sent that text at all, how foolish Dave had been. He knew that Jack hadn't cared for Dave in the slightest, he just put up with him because they had to work together. Why would Dave ever even think that someone could possibly like him? After all, he was nothing more than some creepy junkie, with nothing to offer. He couldn't take it back now, he couldn't un send his text. Now jack knew how fucking pathetic Dave really was.
He threw his phone across the room in anger and buried his face into his musty yellow mattress, feeling it soak up his own tears as he cried himself to sleep. Something he was at least used to.

7:00 am
Daves alarm blared from his phone across the room, waking up the Auberginen man from the hour or two of sleep he got. His face stuck to his mattress from dry tears as he turned around to face the shattered window in his 'home', noticing the sun had risen and it was time to start the day. Dave got up from his crusty ass bed and crawled over to the spot where he had thrown his phone last night to turn his alarm off, when he noticed one new notification awaiting him. He opened his phone to a text from non other than the tangerine man that had been in his mind all last night.

"Goodmorning dave. I fell asleep last night before being able to respond, but I appreciate it. I'll see you at work, don't be late <3"

Daves eyes lit up and his heart melted once again to the words of his old sport. And with excitement, he quickly changed his underwear (musty ahh man) and headed off to work, skipping breakfast as to not keep jack waiting. 

-ok cya bozoz-

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