"that didn't happen! I swear!" i cried

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"that didn't happen! I swear!" i cried. He turned away. "yeah, that made me upset but then you didn't come to school or answer any of our texts? That hurt sophie. And now what jack told me! How could you do that to fitz!" he whisper shouted. I flinched and handed him my phone. "what?" he asked. I shoved my phone into his hands. "passwords ****. I was off because of fitz, keefe. He asked me out on a date and when i got there he was- he was making out with stina. I didn't even text him, jolie did and i didn't go on my phone or get out of bed for 3 days. 3 days i spent listening to music crying" i told him whilst sinking to the floor. I wrapped my arms around my legs and huddled into the wall sobbing. 

-Keefes POV-

I watched as sophie sank to the floor crying silently. I bit my lip and refrained from hugging her until she stopped crying. Why? Why did i have to like the girl who hurt my best friend. No not like, love. I loved sophie foster. I used her pin and unlocked the phone. I tapped on ritz savory cracker which made the edges of my lips slightly curve upwards. Fitz told me not to talk to her and he seemed really upset. Should I be doing this? A sob flew out of her mouth and she sunk to the floor even more. I watched her, longing to hug her and tell her it was alright. She looked so vulnerable, this wasn't the girl i saw yesterday. This was the broken person she was inside, she had so many masks hiding her pain. Like me.

I swallowed my pride and tapped on his contact. My eyes widened as i scanned through the messages. He tricked the whole school into hating her? Thats low. I realised all the mistakes i made when I shouted at her and guilt clouded my mind. Why couldn't i have listened to her side. Why did i listen to my lying best friend? I quickly jumped up and wrapped my arms around her. She flinched and pulled away. She ran of crying and i couldn't help but think i'd ruined that friendship. I shook my head and realised i still has sophie's phone.

I ran after her, shouting her name. I rounded a corner and saw her talking to stina. I wanted to intervene but i knew she could handle herself. "How could you stina?" she whispered looking down. "sophie please! I don't know what you're talking about"  Sophie shook her head and i watched as tears fell to the floor. "Stina, i was on a date with fitz when i walked into starbucks" she whispered. Stina's hand flew to her mouth and she hugged sophie. "i swear, i swear i didn't know". Stina took of down the corridor, dragging sophie by her hand. 

I opened the doors to the cafeteria with a loud squeak but no one looked at me. All eyes were focused on where stina was screaming at fitz. "HOW COULD YOU! YOU ARE A DIRTY CHEATING LITTLE SNAKE!" She screamed. I stifled a laugh as fitzy's face turned from shocked to realisation. I walked over to dex and handed him sophie's phone. A genius plan forming in my head. "Can you broadcast sophie's phone to that big screen over there?" i whispered. He shoved it back. "i dont want anything to do with her" he hissed. "Dude! she's your cousin! also check her messages to fitz". He reluctantly took the phone, his eyes widening. "dude" he said. I shushed him as stina was still screaming at fitz. "Boom" dex whispered and sophies messages appeared on the screen. I watched as stina slapped fitz across the face and turned her attention to the board. "that's what really happened ladies and gentlemen" stina said with a bow. Shocked whispered echoed through the now silent hall.

 "Sophie I..." fitz started but biana interrupted him. "Shut it" she said through gritted. Biana ran up to sophie and hugged her. "sophie i'm so sorry for believed him" linh said joining the hug followed by marella. "girls" dex laughed. "aww dexypoo do you want a hug?" i mocked. He turned red and flipped me. "Do you guys want a sleepover. excluding fitz?" biana asked. "sure" we all chorused. I tried to catch sophie's attention but she was ignoring me. "we can have it at mine, my parents and sister aren't in the house" she offered. I was quick to agree. "okay you can come at 5" she said. "can we come straight after school? By we i mean the girls?" biana asked. she nodded and i pouted.

I spent the rest of the day trying to apologise to foster, but i could never get her alone. Actually, i couldn't get her to acknowledge me. I even tried putting a water balloon in her locker but she just dodged it and it exploded on me! I guess i'll just have to corner her tonight.

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