Chapter 12

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I have been in my new room for a few weeks. Oddly enough I loved it. I loved my room, or should I say apartment. One of the first things I did when I got here, was remove the ugly gold chairs and put my lawn chairs there. They were a lot comfier then the gold chairs. I did my best to avoid the king, but he made it appoint to ALWAYS run into me. Little by little I started hating him less. I still did not trust him, but at least now I could see him without thinking about punching him. Now I wish I could just get rid of my other urges I have around him.

Those urges were starting to freak me out a lot more now that I see him more. Thank God we did not need batteries, otherwise I would be going through a lot of batteries with how much I was using my vibrator.

Over the time I had a hard time staying mad at him. I even started to think of him as James. I still kept to myself, but I was slowly coming around.

Its night, but the falls lite up the night with the blue glow of the water. The view of the water falls was beautiful from here. I also loved looking towards the village, at night it is always lit up with life. I could hear music coming from the village tonight. I wonder if they are having some kind of a dance. It makes me a little jealous, to have friends that actually care about you. I had a few like Margo and Dawn I hung out with here and there, but no close friends. Sometimes I felt like they hung out with me only because they felt sorry for me.

I have been here for; I don't know how long and I really have not taken in the sites. I was so focused on leaving I did not take the time to appreciate everything. "Make the most out of a bad situation Annie" I say out loud to myself. That's what my dad would have said. I'm going to be here for a long time, time to make the most of it. I smile to myself

The next day I eat breakfast in my room. I am still not ready to eat with him yet. I then walk out of my room and head down the stairs and out the door. I hop on my 4-wheeler and head to town. I park outside of the village, and walk the rest of the way down the dirt road to the town.

There is power, and street lights and the buildings are all made of wood and roofs medal. The roads are lined with homes close together. All different colors and styles. Farther in town stores lined the street.

There are people walking down the roads, some holding hands some laughing , some just walking and looking at things through the windows.

"Annie, how are you doing." I turn to see Terry, and Nora 2 women about my age. I had talked to them before. Terry came from earth 50 years ago and Nora came here about 750 years ago. OK, so maybe they looked like my age, but they weren't.

"I'm good how are you two doing?" I asked them.

"Great" they said.

"We are looking to buy a new dress." She smiles. "In with the new out with the old" she says. I notice she has a basket a bread with her. "Did you want to join us?" She asks as they walk in a store.

"Ok" I reply following her.

"I have a stupid question." I ask her as I follow her.

She laughs, "You wonder why we make and sell things when really it is not needed."

"Yes, I am sorry for asking"

"Don't be." Nora says

"Hi, I'm Hope, you must be Annie." A lady in her 30 says to me walking from behind a counter. She has dark skin and long black hair, and a bright smile. She's beautiful. Her ears are pointed and she has wings, so she must be fay.

Everyone in this kingdom was beautiful. It was a little depressing. I was short and plain. I did not belong. I should be use to that already, it is not like I belonged anywhere. Geez Ann stop with the pity party. I smile and reply "It is nice to meet you."

CURSED KINGDOM- A Darker Steamier Version of Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now