Chapter 6

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I stand in front of a mirror; it does not even look like me. My hair is up in a bun, and I have diamond dangling earrings in. I have a feeling they are real diamonds. I have a diamond necklace on, but have my rose necklace on also. Only the diamond necklace stops above the chest, and the other one is a little longer, so if falls in my cleavage so you could not see it. I knew it was there, and that was all that mattered. I looked amazing. Margo went back to her room to get ready, so I was by myself. She said she will stop by to grab me in an hour.

I open my patio door and step outside on my balcony. This view, it was amazing. The waterfall lit up the sky, and the sounds of it was so relaxing. I walk to the rail, and look down. It is really high up. I see my camper below, and smile. Margo did bring me to it today, but I did not stay long because I needed to get ready. I did inform her, that after tonight I would like to live in my camper at least for right now. I just needed my own space. She argued, my room had plenty of room to have my own space. I just let her know that was not the same. She finally agreed with it.

"Hi Annie." I jump and see the king flying next to the balcony.

"Hi" I say, he looks really good. He is wearing a suit, and his long hair is put back. He lands on my balcony.

"You look beautiful." He says to me. I can feel my face turn red.

"Thank you, you look good also." He gives me a bow.

"How do you like your room. " He says as he walks by me. His presence has a weird effect on me. Which is weird, I just got out of a bad relationship. Why am I reacting to him like this. My heart started speeding up, as he walked towards me. I smile, then turn to look at the view. I needed to not look at him.

"The view is amazing." He steps behind me.

"The view, is beautiful." He says his breath I can feel on my neck. I have goose bumps.

"Knock, Knock." Margo says she walks out on the balcony and smiles when she sees both of us. She looks amazing. She was wearing a red slim fitting dress; her blond hair is down. "Are we ready to go." She says looking at me. I look at both the king and Margo and smile.

"Yes, let's go." I say to her.

"I will see you two a little later." He says staring into my eyes. His stare is so intense. I nod at him. He gives us a little bow and fly's away.

I never went to my prom, because I was a little bit of a loner. This kind of felt like that. Oddly I was a little excited to go to the party. Although it was weird, I was the guest of honor. I was not a fan of being the center of attention.

"The king is a little intense." I say to Margo. She smiles.

"He can be, but he really is a good guy. He seems to like you." She says as she opens the door to the hall and we both step out and close the door behind us.

We walk down the stairs. I had to walk a little slower, as I was wearing heals. I never really wore heals before. She takes me down a series of hallways, that brings us to a huge hall. The king is already in the thrown chair, he must have zipped down here after he left my balcony. He sees me walk in and smiles and nods to me. I smile and give him a nod back.

I look around, all the ladies look amazing. The guys look all decked out also. The room is bright, and designed to the max. Statues and chandeliers made out of gold. The ceiling was so high. There was so much work that went into building this room. The ceilings were so high, then there was two levels of balcony.

We had already had supper, but along one wall there were snacks, and champagne.

"This has not happened in while, so we go all out." Margo says, I look around and there were about 50 people there, a little more then what was at lunch today. I heard music start to play. I looked around there was no band.

"We have a music box and speakers." She points to a boombox. I chuckle, Music box I guess that is what it is in a way. They are playing a slower melody.

"Did you want to dance." I look and see the king.

"Umm, sure" I say. He takes my hand and brings me out on the dance floor. "I will try not to step on your toes." I say and he chuckles.

"Something tells me it would not hurt." I look down, that is right he has hooves. I look up at him.

"Oh, yeah I guess not." He puts his arm around me, and takes my hand as he dances with me. As he holds me close, tingles went through my whole body. What was happening to me. After the song was over, I stepped away from him. I needed to get away from him.

"I think I am going to get some fresh air." I say turning and walking toward the door.

"I will walk with you." He says and puts his hand on my back leading me out. We walk out the door and the fresh air feels good on my skin. We are on a patio with a beautiful flower garden. There are 2 benches on the edge of the patio. I walk to one and take a seat, he takes a seat to my right. I look at him and give him a small smile. What is wrong with me. I notice, he is looking at me weird, and looking at my chest. I look down to see I am holding my necklace without even realizing it.

"Where did you find that." He says. I drop it and it falls and lays just above my chest, he picks it up gently and looks at it.

"My mom left it to me." I say with a smile. Margo, Dawn and a few others walks out onto the balcony by us.

"Isn't that necklace beautiful?" Dawn says.

"Where did you get this." The king says in an angry voice. It makes me jump up. He stands up as well.

"My mom, I got it when she passed away." I say nervously.

"Lier" The king says then yanks the necklace off my neck. I jump and I take a few steps back. He comes closer to me. "You stole this necklace, this was mine." He said fuming. I take more steps back he keeps moving forward. Then my back hits the wall, I guess there is no more moving back.

I feel a tear fall. I am terrified. "This was my mothers, I lost it years ago. There is no way you could have it. Nothing ever leaves this world. You had to of found it here. " He said the anger and hatred I can feel come off him is so intense, I start shaking. "It is not finders keepers here, you thief. "His eyes turn red then he rases his hand. He is going to hit me. I close my eyes, and hold my arms up trying to lessen the blow.

But it never comes. I open my eyes, and he is staring at me. I think I almost see regret in his eyes. He backed up a foot from me.

"James, she is telling the truth I can tell by her aura." Margo says.

"She had it when I examined her yesterday, she just got here at that time."

"Impossible, nothing leaves this world." He says and takes another step back. "Leave the castle. You are no longer welcomed here."

I start crying from being scared, hurt and a little pissed. Just before I run out, I turn and look at him. "You know I did not think you were a monster before, but I sure the fuck think you are a monster now. " He looks hurt when I say that, but I don't care.

I run out of the room and somehow find my way out of the castle and to my camper. I shut the door lock it then throw myself on the bed and cry. Just great, I traded one bad experience for another. Just fucking great. Worse I lost the one thing that gave me comfort. 

CURSED KINGDOM- A Darker Steamier Version of Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now