Chapter 4

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The sun is shining in my eyes, which causes me to open them. Ugh, it feels like I just closed my eyes. I look at my phone and it is 9:00am. Holy shit I slept that long. I sit up and stretch. I stand up and look out the window. I see trees all around me. Wow I did not realize how wooded the camp ground was last night when I got here.

I walk in the bathroom, turn on the light. The bathroom in the camper was not huge, but perfect for me. It had a sink, a vanity and then a small shower with a bath in it, and a toilet. After taking care of my Bladder, I wash my hands and take a look in the mirror, my hair does not look all that bad. Crazy, I figured it would be sticking straight up. I brushed my hair, then threw it in a pony tail. Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I walk to the fridge and grab a soda. It was nice and cold, just the way I like it. I close the door, then it dawned on me I did not plug my camper in last night. Shit it most likely is running off the battery. I threw jeans and a tank top on, then threw on shoes and a sweatshirt.

I opened the door and I am pretty confused. Last night the campground was empty with lots of opened spots. Right now, I am surrounded by trees. To the point I am not sure how I would have gotten my truck and camper in here. The only not wooded area is a narrow trail in front of my truck. That can't be right. How would I have been able to get in the site with all of these trees.

"Hello" I say and no one replies. I walk around there is nothing but forest. I start to panic. I look at my phone no signal. Where am I, did I dream I stopped, or am I dreaming now? I start walking down the trail a little way, but more forest. I keep checking my phone, still no bars. Crap I have no idea what to do.

"I wish I had a 4-wheeler that would make this a little easier." I say to myself. The trail goes on and on. I stopped after 20 min of walking. I need to go back and grab supplies in case I need to walk for a few hours. Which sadly enough if felt like I may have to.

I finally make it back to my camper, and next to it I find a 4-wheeler. What the fuck. I walk to it and find the keys are in it. This has to be a dream; how does a 4-wheeler just show up? Dream or not I needed to borrow it. I had no idea how long that trail was, and a 4-wheeler would make it easier.

"Hello" I yell, I walk over and disconnect the battery to my camper. Last thing I need is a dead battery. I might be here for a while. I keep yelling Hello, and no one answers. Why would someone park a 4-wheeler by a stranger's camper and leave.

I walk to the 4-wheeler. I have to find help or at least a signal. I yell "I am borrowing your 4-wheeler". No answer, I run in my camper and write a note then tape it to my camper. If the person comes back, I don't want them to think I stole it. I hop on and wait a few minutes to see if I get a reply. Nothing. I start up the 4-wheeler then start down the trail. As I drove, I stopped a few times to check my phone. Still nothing. The trail seems to last forever, which makes me panic even more. Fuck what if I can't find a way out? What if the 4-wheeler runs out of gas. Oh my gosh, what am I going to do. I finally came to an opening. I slow and stop when I see what is in the opening. "That can't be right." I say to myself. In the middle of the field there is a huge castle.

It is huge, and looks completely out of place in the field. "Maybe it is a museum". I think. I push the gas to the 4-wheeler and head to the "Castle", weird or not they most likely will have a phone I can use. That thought makes me sad, who would I call? I have nobody. Maybe they can point me to the interstate if nothing else. But then again how am I going to get my truck and camper out of there. I have no idea how to get out of this. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head. First find help, then worry about the details.

I park below the steps going to it. Fuck that is a lot of steps. Going to the door are 2 sets of steps that curve to the side and both meet at the door. There must be 200 steps. I sigh it is too early for this shit. I start climbing the steps to the door. I finally make it to the top, completely out of breath. Now the pains from my injuries were starting to kick in. My side hurt the worse. I wonder if he cracked a rib. I take a few minutes to catch my breath and take a look around.

CURSED KINGDOM- A Darker Steamier Version of Beauty and the BeastМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя