Chapter 7

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By the time the two hours were done, Rose and Minho were able to round up 3 more people who would willingly enter the maze with them- Zart, Winston and Frypan.

"Will this be good enough?"

"Ok... lets go," Thomas nods, happy with the amount of people. All six of them leave slowly after. Minho and Rose lead the way, showing them where to go.  And there it was. The dead griever squashed between two maze doors. It's guts and flesh were scattered along the floor and the same goo that covered Rose's shoulder travelled up the wall.

"That's disgusting," Zart gags as they all stare at the decomposed body.

"Hey there's something in there," Thomas says, walking closer.

"You mean besides a griever pancake?" Frypan jokes.

"So who's gonna do it?" Winston asks.

"Do what?"

"Get there hand in there and find out what that thing is."

All the boys stay silent and Rose sighs, "I'll do it. I get it, though."

"You get what?" Thomas asks, raising his eyebrows.

"You guys are scared," She shrugs walking to the side of the Greievr.

"Pfft, we are not scared," Zart scoffs, crossing his arms.

Rose puts her hand in the door, feeling around for anything that wasn't blood and organs. 

"Ah!" They scream as the mechanical leg moves. Rose jumps back and the boys grab her and pull her away.

"I thought you said it was dead," Frypan exclaims, grabbing his chest.

"Was it a reflex?"Zart asks.

"You hope," Winston cries.

"Okay, come on, pull it out," Thomas calls out grabbing one of their legs. He counts down from 3 then they all pull on it. The leg slides out sending them all to the floor.

"You ok, Fry?" Thomas asks, holding out a hand for him.

"Thanks brother," He mutters, taking his hand and standing up. Minho walks over to the pile of guts and reaches through it to pick up a metal device.

"Interesting," Minho mutters running his finger around the device, clearing the goo off it.

"Okay whatever this is, can we pack it up and take it back to the maze?" Fry suggests, sounding nervous, "Because I don't want to meet this guys friends."

"He's right, it's getting late," Rose agrees looking at the sky that was growing darker, "Come on."


"Yeah we found this," Thomas tells them, "It was inside a griever."

"These are the same letters we get in our supplies," Newt notices, looking up at Rose.

"Yeah so whoever put us here obviously made the grievers," Rose says.

"And this is the first real clue, the first real anything you guys have find in 3 years, right Rose?"


"We gotta go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us."

Rose makes the mistake of looking at Gally who begins to express his opinion like always, "You see what he's trying to do, right? First he breaks our rules - Alby's rules - and he tries to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only things that have ever held us together, why now are we questioning them? If Alby was here, you know he would agree with me."

❛Until the end❜ - MinhoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin