Chapter 5

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"We gotta keep walking," Minho pants as the two boys carry Alby. Rose tried to help them but was pushed away and told to make sure she was alright herself.

"Okay just sit him down." They place him against the wall and take a breather when another shriek echos through the maze.

"This isn't going to work," Minho panics, "We gotta go."

"Wait what are you talking about?" Rose asks, eyes wide that he would even suggest that.

"We gotta do something. We gotta hide him," Thomas suggests.


"I dont know, Minho, just think. There's not a single place we can take him?"

Minho growls in annoyance and grabs Thomas by the collar, "Listen to me, shuck-face, all right? Take a look around. There's no where to go."

"Minho," Rose whispers and he lets go of Thomas.

"You don't get it," He shakes his head, "We're already dead." Thomas stands up, quickly, and barges past the pair, staring at the ivy on the wall. He looks back at them and they nod, realising his plan.


Rose grunts as they tug on the rope, pulling Alby up the wall. It was dark now and they had to finish up soon or they would be toast. Another screech is heard and Minho stops pulling, looking around the corner with fear.

"What are you doing?" Thomas asks.

"We gotta go," He stutters, beginning to let go of the rope.

"No, no, just a little bit more. We'll tie it off," Thomas pleads.

"Minho, stay with me, okay?" Rose begs and Minho looks around the corner again but doesn't let go, "Just a little bit more. We're almost there."

"I'm sorry, Greenie," Minho whispers but before they could react, he grabs Rose and runs.

"Minho, get off!" She pulls her hand back and runs back to Thomas who falls to the floor.

"Fine!" Minho shouts, heading the opposite way. Rose huffs and is about to grab the rope when she is pulled under the many vines. The creature growls next to them and Rose puts her hand over Thomas' mouth to stop him from making any noise. The griever slowly stalks past them as they shake in fear. The steps became quieter until the horrifying creature was gone. They both let out a sigh and scramble out, tying up Alby to another vine. Thomas tugs on the rope making sure it's secure until Rose pulls him around the corner as a griever appears. The noises disappear and Thomas looks around the corner. Luckily, the Griever was gone.

"We should go," Rose hisses, "Now!" The pair begin to walk the other way but Thomas pauses. He lifts his foot and they look down at the goo stuck on the bottom of his shoe. Rose flinches as the same goo falls onto her shoulder. She touches it with a gag and looks at Thomas. They both look up and the griever drops to the floor with a loud, piercing cry. Thomas and Rose stumble back in shock and they sprint away. Rose leads the way, knowing what turns pto take. However, with a wrong turn, they find themselves in a dead end.

"Oh shit," Rose mumbles, the panic in her chest rising.

"Follow me," Thomas orders as it gets closer. He bolts onto a big rock and is able to grab the ivy, pulling himself up. Rose copies him just avoiding the large creature that was on her tail. She rolls to the side to avoid its sharp legs and lets Thomas help her up. Her anxiety was so high, she didn't even feel the pain on her arm anymore. They reach the end of one of the walls and look down at the floor that was far below them. Rose turns to run back but her path is blocked by the large beast.

"What do we do?!" Rose shouts.

"Do you trust me?!" He shouts back.

"No, not really!" She answers truthfully.

"Great!" He grabs her healthy arm and jumps. 

"You shuck-face!" She shrieks as they land and grab the ivy on the wall. The griever copies them and jumps onto the wall. It climbs up and attempts to stab them with the same needle. Rose swears as the vines above her begin to rip and both her and Thomas fall to the floor. The creature is not too far behind them but gets caught in the ivy giving them time to stand up and turn away. After slowly backing away, two hands grab her. She screams and tries to push them away until she realises it was Minho.

"God, I thought I lost you!" He cries, hugging her tightly, "I'm so sorry."

"Hey, I don't want to ruin a nice moment here, but we've got to go," Thomas interrupts and Minho nods.

"Follow me," Minho starts to run with them following closely.

The maze begins to rumble and Rose tells them, "It's changing, come on."

"This section is close. We can lose it down here!" They reach the next section but Minho and Rose turn to Thomas at the end.

"Thomas!" Rose shouts, "What are you waiting for?!"

"Get out of here!" Minho adds.

"Greenie! Don't be a hero! Get your ass down here!" Rose shouts.

"Come on, Thomas! Don't look back run!" Thomas starts to bolt down towards them with the griever on his tail. He rushes down as the doors begin to close.

"Thomas!" Minho shouts as the doors slam shut, squishing whatever was inside but Thomas stands next to them, hands on his knees.


"No way!" Zart shouts as the four gladers come into view.

"Yeah!" Chuck cheers. They reach the glade and pass Alby to the boys.

"What happened out there?"

"How'd you guys make it out?"

"You saw a griever?" Chuck questions, making everyone go quiet.

"Yeah I saw one," Thomas answers, humbly.

"He didn't just see it," Minho shakes his head, "He killed it."


"Shuck," Jeff mumbles, looking at Rose's wound, "That's bad."

"No shit," Rose winces as they poke at her arm.

"We are going to have to soak it in warm water so just come over here," Jeff escorts Rose to one of the beds and goes off to get some water. In the bed next to her, Alby lays unconscious, arms tied down. Rose is swallowed in guilt as she stares at the boy. 

"Here you go,"Jeff interupts her from her thoughts and sits next to her. He grabs a cotton pad and dunks it in the water. He presses it lightly against her wound making her grimace in pain. After cleaning it up, he bandages it tightly.

"Thank you," She sighs as they finish off with her wound.

"No problem," Jeff grins.

"It's what we are here for," Clint adds.


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