Chapter 6

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"Things are changing," Rose calls out. She stands in the middle of hut, gladers staring at her from all around the room. Now that Alby was injured, Rose was unfortunately in charge, "There's no denying that. First ben gets stung in broad daylight and then Alby."

"Our greenie has taken it upon himself to go into the maze," Gally calls out.

"Yes he has," Rose nods, "Which is a violation of our rules here... but he did save not just my own life but Alby's as well."

"Did he?" Gally glared, "I mean, for three years we have coexisted with these things and now he's killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us?"

"So what do you suggest we do?" Rose huffs.

"He had to be punished, right Rose?" The glade erupts into boos and shouts of disagreement.

"Ok calm down," Rose raises her voice, "Minho... a little help here?"

"I think," He starts pausing to make sure he is heard by everyone, "in all the time that we've been here, no one's ever killed a griever before. When I turned tail and ran, this dumb shank... and Rose, stood behind to help Alby. Look I don't know if he's brave or stupid... but whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner."

Once again, the room breaks out into shouts.

"Slim it, you lot!" Rose shouts but is interrupted again by Gally, "If you wanna throw the newbie a parade, that's fine. Go ahead, but if there's one thing I know about the maze, is that you do not-"

A machine sound grumbles in the distance diverting everyones attention away from what he was saying. Rose is the first to run out of the room and towards the box. She stares down, gasping loudly. Her and Gally share a look of disbelief before they open it up and Rose jumps in, crouching on the floor.

"A girl?" Rose mumbles to herself. She had wished for this day for as long as she remembered. Another girl in the glade. But she didn't seem as happy as she thought she'd be. She was scared. 3 years surrounded by boys made her scared that she forgot how to speak to girls.

Everyone looks down at the girl, mumbling in surpise. "I think she's dead," Rose says, pushing the long black hair behind the girl's ear.

"What's in her hand?" Gally calls out. Rose reaches over and opens up her hand. Picking up the piece of paper that was in it, she reads the writing out loud, "She's the last one... ever. What the hell does that mean?"

A splutter and gasp  startles everyone and makes Rose jump back. The mysterious girl opens her eyes and whispers, "Thomas.". She falls back into unconsciousness as everyone turns to look at the greenie.

"You still think i'm overreacting?" Gally asks, rolling his eyes.


Newt, Minho, Thomas and Rose walk into the shack. Jeff leads them past Alby and to the bed in the corner. The brown-haired girl lays on the bed, hair masking her face.

"What's going on, Jeff?" Rose asks, "Why wont she wake up?"

"Hey, i got my job the same way you did," Jeff shrugs.

Newt looks at Thomas and asks, "Well, do you recognise her?"


"Really? Well because she seems to recognise you," Rose raises her eyebrows.

"What about the note?" Thomas asks.

"Yeah, we'll worry about the note later," Newt tells him and looks back down at the girl.

"I think you should worry about it now," He retorts.

"We've got enough to deal with at the moment," Newt mutters.

"He's right, though," Jeff butts in, "If the box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last?"

"No one said that," New shakes his head, "Let's not jump to any conclusion. We'll just... we'll just wake up and see what she knows. Somebody's gotta have some answers around here."

Thomas sighs, sounding annoyed and begins to walk out the door.

"And where are you going?" Rose asks.

"Back to the maze." Minho and Rose look at eachother and when she nods, they follow Thomas.

"Hey!" Rose calls out, making him stop in his place, "What is this with you, huh? A death wish?"

"You just got out and now you want back in," Minho adds, crossing his arms.

"Newt said no one has ever seen a griever and lived to tell about it, right?" Thomas starts, "And now we have one. You're telling me you are not even a little bit curious?"

"Not really, no," Minho shakes his head.


"Kind of," She answers, wincing.

"What?" Minho looks at her in surprise.

"I mean come on, Minho. This is our chance to find out what's out there. This maze is all we have known but there has gotta be something else," She tells him.

Minho is silent for a few seconds before sighing, "So what's your plan? You two gonna go out and dissect that thing, just the two of you?"

"Have the other runners left yet?" Thomas asks.

"The other runners quit this morning," Rose tells him with a sad sigh, "After Alby got stung, they're not in any hurry to get back out there."

"Why are you?" Minho looks at Thomas.

"I think it's time to find what we're really up against."

"All right," Minho gulps, "Meet us in the woods in 2 hours."

With one last smile towards Thomas, Rose drags Minho away.


"So how is it running the glade now?" Minho asks, sitting on the fence as he watches Rose feed the chickens.

"It is horrible," She answers, throwing the seeds onto the floor, "It's Alby's job, you know. And I think Gally is better at it then me."

"You just haven't had much practice. Plus, when can Gally keep his fat gob shut?" This makes Rose laugh. 

She picks up the chicken and points it at Minho, "This is Henrietta."

"Wow, so original," He rolls his eyes with a grin. Rose strokes and cuddles the hen before putting it down and looking back at Minho. He was still on the fence, staring at the girl as if he was in a trance.

"What?" Rose asks, beginning to feel insecure.

"You're so cute," He smiles, softly jumping off the fence and sitting next to her. He grabs the back of her head and kisses her gently.

"Why thank you," She says into the kiss, grinning before kissing him back. It was like the whole world had stopped. It was as if they weren't surrounded by chickens or the glade wasn't in danger or Alby wasn't injured. Everything went silent and it was just the two of them with no worries holding them back.

"We need to go," Minho tells her, leaning back, making her groan in annoyance. 

"A few more minutes."

"I wish we could but the greenie would have a tantrum," He laughs standing up.



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