5. Secret conversation.

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And with that, I went into my lab to be alone for a bit. Talking with people can be so exausting sometimes..


'Huh..?' That was my phone. Hold on let me check.


'Y/N texted me! Okay uh- lets just see what he wrote..'



Y/n: Hey Donnie! Are you already back at Home?

Yeah I'm already back. My brothers started to ask me questions tho.. really didnt need that.

Y/n: yeah understandable My family started to ask me questions too. Which was kinda wierd but I'm still alive. Suprisingly.

Sounds annoying, but I understand.

Y/n: It is.. I'm currently in my room and I locked the door so that they wont bother me. Wont stop them from trying but it kinda works :]

I get that. I always try to keep them out. Especially when I'm in my lab, working on my babys but they wont stop annoying me ->-

Y/n: your babys..?

Oh right- thats what I call my maschines, my  creations. They are way to precious to be damaged by one of my Idiot brothers. Mostly Leo....

Y/n: I can see why you would wanna keep them out then. I wouldnt let my family in either if I would have maschines in my room.. I dont let them in because of my drawings. I like to keep my things to myself. Good luck with keeping them out :>

Finally someone gets it. They can be such a handfull sometimes.. it gets really noisy over here and I just want some piece and quite. :,)

Y/n: 100% understandable. Like- they should do their thing and not annoy me. Annyoing me wont do anything really. They just dont have any hobbys :^

Y/n: Their life is so boring that they need to annoy me. But like- Leave me alone! I dont wanna do anying with you! I'm doing my own thing!

Exacly! Thats what I've been saying! They have their thing to do and I have my own things to do! It feel so good to know that I'm not the only one thinking that!

Y/n: Yeah! I'm glad that you think so too! You are like- the one person that actually gets me. We dont even know eachother that well but damn. We have quite a few things in common dont we? ^^

Yeah seems like it, doesnt it? But I'm glad that you can relate to this. I'm honestly pretty tired from- everything at this point-

Y/n: Right? Life can be so tireing and exausting.. sometimes I just wanna be GONE. Like- in my own world. In my head and just be me.

I've never heard anything more relatable then that in my whole entire life-

Y/n: pfft- XD

Y/n: Ah sorry- I still text with those kind of emojis. If its cringe then I can stop y'know-

No its fine. I still sometimes text like that aswell. So its cool XD

Y/n: Alright cool! I'm glad that you dont think its cringe. I honestly love texting with these kind of emojis. I dont know why but they make me happy :}

Yeah like I said. Its cool! I like using them too. ^^


'So he likes texting with those emojis too! Thats so cool actually.'

I'm smiling like an Idiot at this point. I mean who wouldnt? You dont find people who are similar to you everyday now do you? I can be happy once in a while!

I know its a little thing. I mean he can relate to me and I can relate to him, not only that but he uses these "cringe" emojis aswell!

Just sitting here on my chair and chatting with him makes me actually happy. We arent talking but we are socialising in some way. Unlike talking, this isnt tireing. Atleast for me and it makes me glad that I gave him my number!

•Your POV•

'He is so COOL! I didnt explect him to use these kind of emojis too! He is so relatable and is fun to text with! I also didnt expect him so reply so fast!'

We have been texting with eachother for like half an hour now and this half hour has made my whole week.

Just sitting on my bed, alone, chatting with Donnie. This is amazing!

Leo's POV• (Bet ya didnt see it coming!)

'"I can be nice from time to time!" Yeah yeah... I know that but messing with him is too much fun! But he got mad and went into his lab with a pout. Such a child... totally not coming from me-'

I walked past Donnies lab and decided to take a look inside. You know.. just checking up on my dear brother. Not to see what he is doing to mess with it later- I would never. Just wanna see what hes been up to!

I took a look inside and saw him on his phone with a smile on his face.

'What is he doing..? Is he watching something? I dont hear music or sound from his phone at all...'

He started to tipe in something in his phone. It made these tiping sounds. You know what I mean? Of course you do! Dont you? You should because you are the reader!
(YO- DONT break the fourth wall!)

'Is he texting with someone? But who? Maybe April? . . . No. April told us that she is busy today. He wouldnt annoy her for no reason! And he cant be texting one of us. I just saw Raph and Mikey... Is he texting with that person he helped today..? But that would mean that- HE GAVE THEM HIS NUMBER?! WHA- He doesnt normaly give random people his number! Especialy not a person that he only met TODAY!'




'Mabye he took a liking to this person..? But isnt that a little bit too fast for Donnie? He always needs prove that a person is good.. maybe he had a conversation with them before he got home and didnt tell us! Ooh~ I'm gonna tease him. No buts. I will tease him and no one can stop me!'

I ran into my room with a grin on my face. Ready to tease and annoy my dearest brother Donnie later.

'This should be fun...'


I'm finally here to deliver a new chapter! And I hope you guys liked it. Its kinda crappy and and rushed but I'm too lazy to do anything about it.


Donnie and Y/n relatable

Sassy much? [Donatello x Male!reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz