Chapter 1: No Turning Back

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We had done a lot of running before. But not enough to stop us from running three days long, to Rohan. It was a long way, and it was hard, and we only had one real stop. That was when we were close to a cliff.

"Wait!" I said. "Wait a second. We'll make it, I promise. But first, there is something I need to do."
Aragorn looked questioning behind and Legolas stopped too. Gimli was still on his way to us.
With the most nervous feeling ever, I took off my necklace.

All this time, in the Hobbit and in this adventure, I had been immortal. I was not able to die. Because if I would be close to it, my necklace would save me. To make sure I could return to my world. Or at least, that's what I thought. But I didn't want to go back. Ever since I set foot in Middle-earth for the first time, I knew this was my place. This was my destiny.

"I am sorry, to all of you," I said to my necklace, where my world was, and my family and friends. "But this is my home. When I came here for the first time, I knew in my heart that this was where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. This necklace brought me here, and made me immortal, in a different way. And I am thankful for that. But I cannot go back."

I gave my necklace a kiss as a goodbye to everyone.
"I love you all. I bid you all a very fond farewell," I whispered, with a lump in my throat. Then, as hard as I could, I threw my necklace into the ravine before me. My intention was that it would break, that's why I did it here.

This is a point of no return

Then I felt a sort of pain through my body. It was short, but it made clear that I was now mortal. Like a normal human that would live here. Yet another lyrics from STARSET came to my mind.
And all that I was, I left behind me.

It was true. I left my old self behind me. There was no turning back now.

I looked to the Three Hunters, and felt more free than ever. I was free, free of my responsibilities, free of homework, free of school (and yet I was learning things), free.

"Well, I guess you're stuck with me until I die," I chuckled sarcastically. "You don't get rid of me that easily."
Legolas walked to me.
"We will always be by your side," he said, smiling. "No matter what."
I smiled back. "Thanks."

"Come on," Aragorn said. "I hope you are not slower now because you are mortal," he said with a teasing smile. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't hold it. Then I ran after him. There we went again, to search for Merry and Pippin.


After some time, Aragorn found a leaf brooch on the ground. One that every fellowship member got in Lórien.
"They may yet be alive," Legolas said.
"Less than a day ahead of us," Aragorn concluded. "Come!"
I was a little behind the Ranger and the Elf, but my mortality didn't make me less fast than I was. Gimli came after us.
"Come on, Gimli!" Legolas called. "We're gaining on them!"

I was soon out of breath again, and thank goodness Aragorn and Legolas stopped for a second.
"Rohan," Aragorn said, while we looked on the country. "Home of the Horse-Lords. There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us."

Legolas suddenly ran ahead of us.
"Legolas!" Aragorn called. "What do your Elf-eyes see?"
I smiled, and tried not to laugh out loud. They wouldn't understand the joke even if I would try to explain it.
"The Uruks turn northeast," Legolas said. "They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!"
That wasn't funny at all, but in my old world, it was one of the meme of the Lord of the Rings.
"Saruman," Aragorn said to himself.


The sky was getting a bit lighter on our way.
"A red sun rises," Legolas confirmed. "Blood has been spilled this night."
I knew that was true, and I knew where.

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