Chapter 6: We Lost One

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Suddenly we were surrounded. They was no way out. Then there was a noise. A loud noise. That a Goblin could never make. They only screeched and made high growls. No this, this was something else. We had awoken it anyways. And it was not even Pippin's fault this time.
The Goblins started to yell in fear and ran away. They climbed back up to the ceiling and were silent.

The loud growl came closer.
"What is this new devilry?" Boromir asked. I shivered. Even though I knew this was coming, I was scared like I had never been. Even Legolas looked scared, and that said enough. It took a while before Gandalf answered.
"A Balrog," he then said. "A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you. Run!"
We ran, even though we didn't see anything behind us yet. Then we came to a bridge, but it was broken. We waited.

"Aragorn, lead them on," Gandalf said. "The bridge is near." He pointed his head and I looked, but it still seemed far away. Aragorn hesitated.
"Do as I say!" Gandalf commanded. "Swords are no more use here."
I put my sword back, because now I wouldn't need it, and I didn't want to lose it.

We followed the Ranger, and came to the bridge. Which was also broken. Legolas jumped immediately, and we heard the noise come closer. The Balrog was near. My heart was beating fast, because well, there was a giant fire-demon behind us. Gandalf jumped, and then it was my turn. Now the gap looked big, but I took a deep breath and jumped. Immediately Legolas pulled me away from the edge, because it started to crumble a bit.

Further above, at the other side, Goblins started to shoot, but Legolas shot back. Then Boromir jumped with Merry and Pippin, and the bridge at the other side started to crumble badly. Aragorn tossed Sam to our side, and when he wanted to do the same with Gimli, the Dwarf held him back.
"Nobody tosses a Dwarf!"
He jumped, but with little speed. Legolas grabbed his beard to pull him in.
"Not the beard!" he said. Watching this movie I would've laughed, but now I didn't.
The bridge crumbled even more, but Aragorn and Frodo still had to jump.

The Balrog was almost breaking through the wall, and the bridge broke at the other side. Frodo and Aragorn were now standing at a loose piece of bridge. They leaned forward, and the bridge came forward too. Then they jumped.

Quickly we ran on.
"Over the bridge!" Gandalf commanded us. "Fly!"
We ran over the bridge, past Gandalf. There was now fire in front of us, and the Balrog showed up. He was gigantic. It had horn-like things on his head, and a giant whip in his hand. Everywhere around him was fire. He growled, but now it sounded different. It was like a hot breeze. Hotter than the fire of Smaug. He was bigger than Smaug for sure. Gandalf stood in front of the demon.

He growled once more and then came after us. We ran again, with Gandalf this time behind us. I knew there was no saving, but it would eventually turn out to be better.
The Balrog walked slowly, and with every step he took the ground shook. Exhausted, we ran over a very narrow bridge, where we couldn't stand on with two of us next to each other.
When we were at the other side, I watched how it all happend. And there was nothing I could do. Gandalf still was on the bridge, and he stood face to face with the beast.

"You cannot pass!" he yelled at him.
"Gandalf!" Frodo screamed, worried.
I put my arm around him, so he wouldn't try to run to Gandalf.
Until now, the Balrog was mostly covered in shadow, and mist. Now, he lit himself on fire even more.

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor," Gandalf said, holding his staff out to the demon.
"The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udûn!" he stated, pointing his staff and sword to the Balrog. He now seemed to have a sort of fire-sword, that he held up high.
He clashed his sword down on Gandalf, which he caught with his staff, that was shining with bright white light.

Now Aragorn took a step forward, with wide eyes.
"Don't," I said, holding out my hand to hold him back.

"Go back to the shadow," Gandalf commanded the Balrog as he growled and took a step forward to the Wizard. He clashed his whip against the walls, and the already narrow bridge, didn't seem like it would hold them much longer.

"You shall not pass!" Gandalf yelled. Man, I loved that quote.

The Wizard knocked his staff down at the bridge, but the Balrog didn't seem impressed. He took one more step forward, but the bridge broke before Gandalf, and the Balrog fell down.
Just as Gandalf wanted to turn around and walk towards us, the Balrog used his whip to get Gandalf to fall. He only hung on the side of the bridge now.

Frodo tried to break free from my arms, but Boromir helped me hold him.
"Gandalf!" the Hobbit yelled in despair.
"Fly, you fools," Gandalf said, before letting go. He fell into the deep, to finish of what he just started.
"Noo!" Frodo yelled. He was strong, but Boromir and I held him in our grasp. We couldn't lose him too. Gandalf would find a way.

We started to run to get outside, because arrows were flying again. Aragorn stood hopelessly looking at the spot Gandalf stood just seconds ago.
"Come on! Aragorn!" I screamed, as more arrows were flying past our heads. Boromir had lifted Frodo and I pulled Aragorn at his arm. The two of us were the last one in the line, and we ran outside.

Once we were standing in the cold air once again, the Hobbits sat down and cried. For the first time, it looked like Legolas was about to cry. I was shocked of what happend, but I saw it coming and knew the effects.

"He will come back," I said. "I know that, trust me." I had sit down beside Sam.
Aragorn just kind of stared at me, and Legolas, Gimli  and Boromir still seemed sad.
"How are you sure?" Sam asked. Well, he wouldn't be seeing him until after Sauron's defeat. Just like Frodo. But I didn't say that.

"Well, there are some things I know about this story, and some things I don't," was all I said. "I knew this was going to happen, but do you see me fighting a fire-demon, when Gandalf can hardly face one? No, I would be long dead. Now Gandalf, he will come back. He will defeat it, and we will see him again. That is something I can't change, but have no doubt about."

I pulled Sam to me, who still had tears in his eyes, and said: "But please, we have to stick together as a group, as a Fellowship." It was silent for a moment. Then I had a thought. I stood up.
"Frodo!" I yelled. I saw him in the distance, in an attempt to walk away. He looked behind. I ran to him.
"Frodo, we need you. Gandalf will come back, just not now."
He looked at me with his sad, blue eyes, and then sighed.

For some reason Aragorn was filled with energy again.
"Come on. By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlórien."

We went on, and quickly came to the woods. It looked like it was a gigantic place, but on the map it shows that it's the smallest of the three best known woods: Lórien, Fangorn and Mirkwood.

It was silent in the woods, the only thing talking was Gimli.
"Stay close, young Hobbits," he told the Halflings. "They say a great sorcerer lives in these woods. An Elf-Witch of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell. And are never seen again."
"Don't worry, Gimli," I said. "She is a great Elf, and yes, she does posssess magic. But for the good."

Suddenly we were surrounded by a bunch of Elves. They had their arrows pointed towards us.
"The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could've shot him in the dark," one of them said. It was Haldir.

Welp...I'm sorry I didn't save Gandalf, but you know, he comes back later. That's how the story works. But in the meantime, there is a lot to yet happen!

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