Chapter 10: Ever After

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Elladan and I walked through the gardens of Rivendell. He had taken me there, but I didn't know why. My day was going well, and I didn't think it could get either worse or better.

"You know," Elladan began hesitantly, "there is someone I love, and want to ask something, but only if she loves me as well."
What did that mean? Did he love someone else? Did I get our whole relation wrong?
Elladan started to walk a bit ahead of me, and I saw a smile on his face which almost looked like a grin. I wanted to slap that stupid smile of his face, but instead tears start to appear in my eyes.

"Wha-what are you saying?" I asked with a half broken voice.
"I'm saying," Elladan began, while he took my hand and looked me deep in my eyes. What was happening?
"I'm saying," he repeated, while getting down on his knee before me. My eyes got bigger in shock.
He pulled a blue little box out of his pocket and opened it. There was a ring inside.
"Mírë, will you marry me?"

I was shocked and surprised at the same time. Guess I was the person who got this situation wrong. I wanted to slap myself for even thinking that he loved another. My tears of sadness turned into tears of happiness.

"Yes, yes of course!" I said.
He put the ring on my ring finger, next to my silver ring I wore from the beginning, from my world. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. I didn't think I could be happier.

The ring was silver, because gold wasn't really my thing, and I wasn't planning on putting my silver ring away. It had a little, sapphire blue diamond at the top, with at the sides two silver engravings. It was beautiful and fitted exactly.

"I love you, Elladan," I whispered in his ear.
"I love you too, Mírë," he whispered back.


On a beautiful spring day in May, Elladan and I got married. Our wedding was in Rivendell, and a lot of our friends came. Aragorn and Arwen were there, and Legolas and Gimli too. Even the Hobbits Merry, Pippin and Sam were there. And Rosie. I had apologized to Sam for not being at his wedding, but it was alright. Rosie was glad to meet me, as were her two children. Even Éowyn and Faramir had come. It was an reunion of everyone at the same time.

Elrohir was there of course, and Celeborn came too. But neither my nor Elladan's parents could be present. That was a bit sad.

Some Elvenmaidens of Rivendell had made my wedding dress. It was beautiful. It was long and white (of course) and had patterns on it. The neck of the dress wasn't too wide and the sleeves were long and ended in a point on the back of my hands. The edges were light blue.

What touched me most was that there was an octagonal shape sewn on the place my magic necklace had once been. I don't know who told them that, but it was beautiful, because without it, I wouldn't have a wedding that day.

Éowyn had once again done my hair, because she and Faramir had arrived early and she was great at it.

When I saw Elladan, my eyes lit up. He looked amazing.

When it was time for the ceremony, Elladan and I held each other's hands.

"Do you take this woman to be your wife, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" the Elven marriage officiant asked Elladan.
"I do," he answered, keeping his eyes locked to mine.
"Do you take this Elf to be your husband, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" he asked me.
"I do," I answered with a smile.

Elladan put a ring on my finger, and I put a ring on his'.
"You may kiss the bride," the marriage officiant said.

We kissed, and then there was a party. I had discovered that weddings and wedding party's here were very different from the ones in the Netherlands. Or any other place on my Earth for that matter.
I still didn't drink, but Elladan did. I just made sure he didn't get too drunk.

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