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To Vina,
I would call you Ivory
It was nice that you opened up to me
Really, I appreciate it dearly.

The first thought that came into my mind was, you're an anti-hero girlie.
You just confessed your own fear to me
You don't talk too much
Because you thought that whenever you join the conversation
The mood will become sour

And when I saw it in my own eyes
I knew that we're the same.
We relate to a lot of different ways
You're impulsive,
Only realizing the words after being said.

You knew your own flaws
You wanted to change
You're just trying to be funny
But the joke became a painful truth.

I understand you, Ivory.
You hate yourself for the things you can't immediately change.
You hate yourself because you do it all over again.
You hate yourself because when you wanted to never do it again, you did it again.
You hate yourself because you can't control yourself.
You hate yourself because you are not tamed.
You wanted to do the right things.
But, you don't have the power to do it.

You wanted so many things.
And we're the same.
You and I connected at the same way.
I wanted to make everything better.
When I can't change the situation, I can still change my own way.
But, what did I do?
I let myself to regret the next day.

I said that it was all fine.
We're all breathing beings who wanted to die.
But, we still chose to live 'cause we're afraid of the same things.

I said, people move on.
They easily forget about what we just said
They don't know what we did
We're all the one who's overthinking things.

That's why we're the same
We wanted to change
But we still do the same things
It's all a wishful thinking
That maybe someday, we'll never regret anything.

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