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Got the books and just gave us the chapters
She explained the lessons like we're all some kind of masters
Her way of teaching was honestly pressuring
A little bit too dizzying

Tomorrow will be our exam but I don't have anything to answer
Cause my mind can't comprehend this week's disaster

She said, "don't be used of spoon feeding."
Yes ma'am, we'll be now standing
Doing what you've asked
Working what you've tasked
But why the hell I feel nothing?

My head is empty from the time you've spent with us
I'm sorry, Ma'am, I can't understand
Please don't talk too fast
Because I can't run with your words like that

I'm trying everyday to do what you advised
Advance reading is the key
for acing your test and pass our degree
But ma'am, can I say something?
don't be mad or anything

When they said, you're too strict
you became defensive
even the fourth years are quiet from your questions
maybe I, a first year should start to focus my attention

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