Chapter 18

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Lily's POV:

I hear knocking coming from outside. I open my eyes and every single pain imaginable comes in resurfacing. I look over to the window and see my dad. He waved his hand and I look at my blooded white shirt.

I click on the windows downer as it slowly slides down as I get a better visual of his face. "Don't act funny now, c'mon get out" he steps back and I do as he said in pain if I might add.

We enter the house and I can already hear the sound of lectures about to come. "Ok I'm sorry, I know this might look very confusing but-"

"SIT DOWN" he shouts and I almost flinch at the unexpected scream. He has never shouted at me before until now. I do as he say and sit on the couch as he stands in front of me looking at me in the eye with full disappointment.

"I had to walk all around the neighbourhood alone and come back home seeing you past out in the car with blood on your body. Do you know how scared I was?" He asked as he voice breaks and I didn't know that he cared that much for me. "No I'm sorry" I look up at him and in honest truth I was sorry.

Not about the fight but him having me as a daughter. He points at me but he clenched his jaw this time. "Every time I look at you...I see your mom. You are so much like her. You always did actions before thinking. She always thought she can save everyone that crossed her path, that's why she became a doctor" he repeats the same story, since I was 12.

" that's a good story but if she was so good where is she? Where is my mom, who was suppose to save everyone that cross her path?"

"You know why" he pointed at me again and I had enough. I get up and face him, he looks at me with no fear in his eyes. "What happened to you? You use to be so sweet. Now your-" he stops himself and I'm just going to finish the sentence his so afraid to answer.


He stops pointing at me and guilt pours onto his face like a mask. " No because I was worse to the point i killed a man" he said and I couldn't find the words to react to that.

"Everyday when I sleep, all I see is that man's face but i only get glimpse of his face and what happened because I was to high to remember" he sits down and I couldn't wrap my head on my perfect father to be just like me. I felt even more of an asshole then I did before.

"I'm sorry" is all I could say at this moment. He gets up and walks over at me as he stares at me. He visualized my clothes and I see him start to cry.

"No I'm sorry" he wipes his face and laughs out. "Sorry I was cooking onions earlier-" I get up and hug him. He wraps onto me and pulls me closer to him.

I needed this and I never knew. "It's okay to cry dad" I lean my head on his shoulder as I start to hear him wimp. I felt tears come down from my face and I couldn't stop myself.

He leans back and wipes his hands on my cold wet cheeks. Wiping my tears for me. "You okay? Why are you covered in blood?" He looks into my eyes. "I got suspended for a week"

He sighs and I expect a lecture but he just pulls me into a hug again. He never ceases to surprise me. He rubs my back softly as I try not to winch from the pain. After a few seconds he pulls away and looks at me back in the eyes again.

"Don't worry, we could get through this" He smiles and I wish I could believe him. How I wish just by the words of wisdom could get me through the day but in reality I'm just lying to myself.

After we were done talking, I headed to the washroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I almost flinched, just by looking at my reflection. My face was covered in bruises, and blood. It hurt enough to just talk.

I close the door and take off my clothes. I look back again. This time, I saw bruises surround my waist lane. It was brown and darker wounds on my waist. I deserve this.

This is no one's fault but my own. This will be a reminder that I need to stop helping people and start focusing on myself. No more distractions.

I shower as blood drip down my path and flown through the sink. I finish showering and I head out with a towel around my shoulders. I couldn't stand looking at myself anymore.

I didn't mean for the fight to escalate to the point Ashley was involved. Yet how she came in for my rescue made me realize my feelings were stronger then before. I know I shouldn't even think about wanting her but I can't help myself.


I would have never done anything to put her at risk. Now I've done it twice. She is right, but the thing she left out was that I'm the one that's dangerous.

I couldn't sleep, I tried watching movies but I just couldn't put my head to sleep.

I check the time on my phone. It was around 3:00 am at night. I needed to clear my head so i need to go to the one place I could.

Since my dad was at work, I just changed my outfit to my swim outfit but I made sure to cover myself with a hoodie and jogging pants.

I head out and lock the door. I make my way to my car and drive to the school. I park and get out to the car. I probably shouldn't even be here since I might even get a bigger suspension. Probably even expelled soon.

I walk over to the door checking my surroundings before going in.

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