11- Dancing Heart

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Blood everywhere. Her lifeless eyes bore into mine, blaming me for not arriving earlier.


I woke up screaming, my arm reaching for something that wasn't there. Bakugo woke up from my scream and pulled me closer into his chest, patting my head. Hot tears escaped my eyes, my chest tightening.

"Hey, what happened?" Bakugo asked in a throaty voice.

I tried to speak, but the lump in my throat wouldn't let me. I dug my head closer into his chest, trying to escape the scene I had just seen in my nightmare.

"Nightmare." I managed to hitch.

"Shhhh." He gently stroked my hair. I inhaled his scent, which seemed to comfort me. Once my breathing went back to normal, he pulled away and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Can I ask why you were so terrified?" he asked softly.

"I just remember blood... and there was more on the walls.. and her eyes..." I began, but he shushed me with an index on my lips.

"It was just a nightmare." He hugged me again, trying to calm me, and he honestly did a great job at it. Once I calmed down completely, I got out of his bed.

"Where are you going?" He asked, pushing his blanket away with his legs.

"It's 5 AM. I want to go for a jog." I said, putting on a zipper and grabbing my AirPods and phone.

"Wait for me." He jumped out of his bed.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting outside."

I stepped outside and let the cold breeze hit my face and fill my nostrils. I closed my eyes and tried to shake off the heavy feeling that told me something was going to go wrong soon. I put on some calm music and saw Bakugo leave the house quietly.

"I'm sorry to wake you up like that," I mumbled.

"Don't apologize for random shit." He bonked my head. "Give me one of your AirPods."

I handed him one and rolled my eyes. "You're gonna have to listen to this shit."

"Better than nothing."

We jogged in silence, the only words between us being the lyrics from the song, bathing in the first rays of the sunrise.

We finished a jog around the neighbourhood and stopped at a little pond with colourful fish. I remember sitting there for hours and staring at the little creatures when my parents would create a storm at home. I bent my knees to take a closer look at the fish and realised my fascination for the creatures never faded.

"You're such a baby." Bakugo laughed.

"Shut up, they are adorable!" I said defensively.

"You look at them with the same eyes you used to make when we were kids."

"Katsu, let's bring fish food the next time we come!" I squealed.

"Honestly." He sighed, irritated.

After a few moments of silence, Katsuki spoke again.

"This song isn't bad." He said.

"I know right?"

I was still looking at the fish, and he took my hand, locking his fingers with mine. I looked at him to find out he was already staring with a scarlet blush across his cheeks.

DREAM LANTERN || Katsuki BakugoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora