65- Not Okay

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I clicked away on a keyboard, eyes fixed on the screen as I wrote a report of my uneventful patrol, save for the spooky feeling of being watched, which I did not include in the report. I was starting to accept that I was being paranoid.

"Hey, Glitchy." Jet Flame rolled her chair towards me. "That's a pretty necklace you got there."

"Thank you. My boyfriend got it for me." I smiled at the bright redhead.

"Oooh, boyfriend~" She cooed, winking. "Is it Endeavor's son? You go to the same school as him, right?"

"It's the angry blonde," Burnin' answered before I could, holding a carton of papers.

"Bakugo Katsuki?" Jet Flame said, slightly surprised. "I didnt think he'd be boyfriend material."

"Well... he's more than just an angry blonde." I smiled. "Anyways, you haven't typed a single word on the document yet."

"Kill joy." Jet flame pouted, wheeling the chair back to her desk as Birnin' chuckled.

After the report, I signed out on the attendance sheet and changed into a white sweater and jeans, wearing a brown long to top it all. I had promised to meet Aoki earlier, so I teleported outside the familiar cafe. I opened the door, and the little bell rang as I entered. I sat on an empty table by the window, taking off my gloves and warming my hands by rubbing them together.

I took my phone outside, seeing a text from Aoki saying he'd be a few minutes late. In the meantime, I got myself coffee. I had a text from Bakugo asking if I was done saying hi to the 'plant asshole'.

Me: No, im not, you impatient pomeranian.

Firecracker 🧡: Hurry the fuck up

Me: Guess I'll wait for him faster

Firecracker 🧡: Eh?

Firecracker 🧡: He aint there yet?

Me: no

           Me: Dont worry. I'll still give you cuddles if you're feeling cold, take a goddamn blanket and wait patiently.

Firecracker 🧡: I didnt ask for cuddles in the first place

Me: You dont need to tell me for me to know :>

Firecracker 🧡: Oh, yeah? What are ya, a mind reader?

Me: Yes

Firecracker 🧡: You're just a blabbing duck

Me: Yeah, but like, your blabbing duck

Me: Muhahahhaha

Firecracker 🧡: Fuck you

Me: Yes, please

Firecracker 🧡: ...

Firecracker 🧡: I'm gonna fuckin make ya beg for it

Me: is that a yay or nay

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