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I woke up to my annoying alarm the next day. I swear I'm gonna ask Katsuki to blow it up one day. I got out of bed, quickly got ready and had breakfast. Dad left earlier to get to work, and mom was still sleeping. I did not bother waking her up. Soon enough came the usual banging at the door, and I left home.

"Good morning," I yawned.

"Morning." Replied Bakugo.

"Ugh, I'm still sleepy," I complained.

"That's what happens when you stay up late."

"Shut up, Katsuki. Not everyone goes to bed early like a good boy like you."

There I managed to piss him off early in the morning, and we went to school with Bakugo yelling at me. Luckily I had headphones on, blasting hot girl bummer.

"He's surprisingly calm around you." Whispered Midoriya from behind me.

"Oh hey there, Izuku!"


"He isn't calm right now though," I said, looking at Bakugo Teasingly.

"DROP DEAD, DAMN NERD," He yelled at Midoriya. "I'M ALWAYS CALM."

Bakugo chased after Midoriya all the way to class, and Iida scolded both of them.

"No running in the halls!"

"Out of my way, four eyes."

I rolled my eyes and apologized to Lida.

"Sorry, Iida-kun, he's just pissed."

"Some temper he's got!" Said Lida with robotic hand motions.

We were done with morning classes, and then we had a break. Eating lunch rush's food after such exhausting classes felt like heaven.

"Mmmmm, these are so good," I said through a mouthful of spicy tempura.

Bakugo was too busy shoving food down his throat to reply.

After the break, we had hero basic training.

I was busy playing tic tac toe with Jirou when All might came in.

"I am... coming through the door like a normal person!"

"All might!" Said the class in unison.

I was so excited to see him. He actually is a teacher here! I have to get his autograph sometime.

"I teach hero basic training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject!" All might explained.

We would be doing combat training today, and Katsuki's face immediately lit up.

"And to go with that are these!" He pointed over to our hero costumes. "Costumes made based on your quirk registrations. After you, change gather in ground beta."

The girls headed to the female locker room to get changed.

I made sure to specify exactly what I wanted since I wanted it to be moveable, stretchy and breathable. I also mentioned three support items that would go well with my fighting style. Half gloves with spikey knuckles and iron pads for my shins. This would go well with punches and kicks. And Also light chest armour.

The colour theme I picked was black since it was my favourite. The top was more of a black sports bra with light armour. (Since I wanted to avoid a direct hit to my chest,) There were also tight black shorts. The shorts had suspender belts attached to thin black stockings that came slightly above my knees. I had heavy black boots with white paint spill on them. Which also went perfectly with my fighting style.

DREAM LANTERN || Katsuki BakugoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu