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A few days later, Aizawa sensei agreed to let class 1-A participate in the hero work studies. We had an encounter with the U.A.'s big three, which included Nejire and Tamaki too. It was a surprise for me since I didn't know they were a part of the big three the last time we met. Bakugo's house arrest was over, and he was back to regular classes and extra classes for provisional licenses.

Those who got their licenses were contacting the pros they interned with to see if they could do their work studies with them. There were a few who had trouble with that. Midoriya and Ojiro, for example. I emailed Endeavor, and was still waiting for a reply. A part of me didn't want to intern with him because he didn't teach me much during my internships with him. He spent most of his time fawning over Todoroki. I had my fingers crossed, hoping being the number one hero would have changed him.

I was bored out of my mind, having completed my homework and studying. So I decided to watch some anime to kill time. I grabbed some snacks from the kitchen and teleported back to my room. I adjusted my laptop on my lap and opened a bag of chips, scrolling through a pirated anime site since I was broke. Just as I was about to click an anime that caught my interest, the number 1 popped up on the email icon. I excitedly clicked my email open to find a reply from Endeavor.

Subject: Re: Work study request

Good evening Glitchy,

I don't remember much about your performance during your internship, and I was not impressed by your quirk and your skills since I had other things to do.

I have decided to accept you as a work-study student at my hero agency, but only because you previously interned with me. I don't think you have anything valuable to offer me, and I don't want you to bother me. I have more important things to do than babysit you and teach you how to be a hero. You will have to fend for yourself and learn from your failures. However, I will consider teaching you a thing or two once Shoto passes his provisional licence exam and does his work-study with me.

"What the actual fuck?" I gasped, reading the email. Did this stupid man forget about my performance during patrols?! Did he forget that we caught the hero killer during our fricking internships?!

If you still want to do your work-study with me despite all the above, You're welcome to the Endeavor Agency tomorrow at 10 AM sharp. Be any late, and I might consider not letting you work with me. I don't have time to waste.


Although I was unsatisfied with the email, I still got my request accepted. But I didn't rejoice or jump on the bed, screaming for Katsuki to see the email like I usually would. The email, if nothing else, managed to blow away my excitement. I sighed and stood up with my laptop, teleporting outside Bakugo's room. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Kirishima and Kaminari, but no Bakugo.

"Where is Katsu?" I asked, peeking over Kaminari's shoulder.

"He just went to get his books from downstairs," Kirishima said, pulling me inside. "We were going to study."

"Oh." I put my laptop on the chabudai and sat down. Bakugo kicked the door open, a few textbooks in hand.

"After I help you shit for brains with this, get the fuck out of my ro- When did you get here, Icy Eyes." He yelled, stopping when his eyes landed on me.

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