Chapter 18

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"I just need a word... Anything for my dear wife" he whispered yet again and traced kisses down my neck before looking me in the eye. Could you please stop... You're giving me a heart attack!! I so badly wanted to shout but no words came out,  instead I bit my bottom lip. Immediately I felt him stiffen and inch even closer with a groan and deadly deep low voice.
"I warned you to stop doing that.." he said, his eyes never leaving my lips and I unconsciously bit them. I heard him curse and the next second he caught my lips in his making me gasp! And that gave him entry into my mouth as his tongue explored my mouth.

  Zac's POV
It was slow as I felt her respond to me while her hands travelled from my bare chest to my neck and finally in my hair, occasionally grabbing them. She wasn't very good but her kisses were slow and hypnotizing! It was impossible to stop... Finally we parted, now staring into each other's eyes. Gosh! She was beautiful!
After what seemed like eternity...
"I'll never do a nude show for anyone but you, so stop worrying about those silly things ok". She turned red and  shyly nodded her head still trying to cover her blushing face. She's so cute when she's shy. I moved a little away from her to let her go even though my body was screaming 'GRAB HER!'
"You better get going else I might not be able to let you go..." And she quickly stood up about to go.
"You might wanna check yourself" I said running my eyes down her body and after looking at the mirror she was in shock and I smiled while walking into the bathroom.
"Oh God!" I heard her say, earning a chuckle from me.

     Diana's POV
"Oh God!" I gasped after I saw myself in the mirror. I look like a mess! My hair was messed up not to talk about my smug lipstick and my messed up clothes! The sound of a closed door brought me back to reality as I quickly started adjusting my clothes before heading out.
5 minutes later...
Zac descended from the stairs and just like that, caught everyone's attention. He was in a night sky shirt which hung loosely on his body with the first three buttons undone, so much for not putting on a nude show. He got plain black trousers to match. His hair was still wet from the shower as they fell in strands to his eye giving him a good-bad boy look. As he sat down his cologne filled the air as I instinctively sniffed in.
"Hello everyone" he casually greeted while sitting down.
"How do you feel now honey?" Mom asked.
"Better mum"
"Ok honey. But what's that on your neck?" he touched and smirked...
"That's a little gift from my wife" he said looking at me and when I got a closer look I nearly flew out of the house! I so much wish the floor would open up and swallow me. It was a hickey! And so visible on his fair skin!
"Well done sis! You just marked your territory!
"So that's what took you So long to come out?"
I turned Scarlett red! While Zac just sat there smiling. 
        Cindy's POV
The more I listened to them the envious I became... He treated her like a queen, even feeding her occasionally... Even stealing kisses from her, the almighty Diana was blushing!! The way he stares at her and keeps whispering in her ears making her turn a shade of red Everytime! I looked at my husband to see him typing away on his phone, business as always and never having time for me! I want that man...

"Why don't we all introduce ourselves? Since we have an addition to the family?"
"That's a great idea dear, I'll go first. Am Henry, Diana's uncle" he gave him a handshake.
"Am Ken, Diana's cousin and this is my wife, Cindy". He gave him a handshake but when it got to my turn, he took my hand and brushed his lips lightly on the back of my hand as a form of greeting and with a smile he said...
"The pleasure is mine, Mrs Cindy. You have a pretty wife, Mr Ken, sorry for the inconveniences earlier today, it won't happen again" he said with a smile that melted my.
It was just a gentle brush on my hand but my heart won't stop beating wildly! I keep feeling butterflies in my stomach...
"The pleasure is mine" ' and I don't mind having the inconvenience next time' of course I didn't voice out the last part.
Lunch was finally over and we were on our way back home but the only thing in my head was Zac...

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