Chapter 17

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Zac's POV
I still had Diana wrapped around me when we left. Her face was still buried in my shoulder with her arms tightly around my neck. We arrived at the house and mum rushed out to hug me but seeing D on me she only smiled and kissed my cheek before patting my back.
"I'm so glad you're alive... Thought I lost you..." She said and I smiled at her.
"I would have hugged you but... Someone won't let me go". Mum chuckled and D held me tighter.
Ava and grandma all welcomed me and had the boys bring in my bags.
In my room...
I was now seated on the bed still with D wrapped around me. She just won't let me go, so I just patted her back.
"Won't you like to lay down, it's been three hours already, aren't you tired?" She gently shook her head and still stayed there. We were in a sitting position... When finally she fell asleep, I lifted her gently to the bed and covered her up. I lay by her side watching her sleep... What a beautiful sight. I must have been tired because I slept off.
The next day I woke up in the afternoon and went downstairs to greet everyone but the whole house was in chaos! I didn't know what the hell was happening! Grandma was giving out instructions to the maids and servants, Ava was assigning the bodyguards restlessly while Diana was in her work clothes, on the phone, walking around the house with a hand in her hair and she looked restless and a bit tired.
"Good morning" I said to everyone's hearing, they all froze and looked at me
"It's afternoon honey," mum said . "You must have been very tired".
"Hey" that was Ava and I smiled at her.
"Go wash up" that was "my wife", a good afternoon would have been nice.
"We're having guests, I'll fill you in on the details" she said and continued her call and so did everyone else. So I gently went back upstairs to take a shower.

           Cindy's POV
"Remember what we discussed? Don't fail me".
"Oh please darling... I heard you already and I won't. Ughhh!" I groaned. That was my husband Ken. He's obsessed with taking over The Richardson's company  together with my father in law, it's not like I care but it'll be nice to be called the CEO'S wife instead of Diana who seems to have everything at her call. I was to find out anything fishy about her marriage and see if I can get anything about her so-called 'husband'. Not that I care but it's game Diana...
        I walked into the mansion after Ken and was greeted by everyone except Diana who just looked at me with tired eyes like she was tired of me... The nerve of this lady! Annoying! In the meantime, food was served and everyone was having a good time, but Diana was nowhere to be found and I hadn't seen her husband either. I got a text from my husband Ken to get to work and I sneaked out of the living room and went upstairs. I didn't bother to knock as I pushed open the door and walked in talking.
"What's happening Diana, why'd you leave an..." I tripped off when I saw him...
He walked out of the bathroom dripping wet from the shower and had only a towel around his waist. Goodness me!
In all my life, I've never seen a man as beautiful as he is! I mean look at him! I can't stop staring, he looks so good... He held a small towel to his wet hair, trying to get them dry when he noticed me and turned to look at me. He had a confused look on his face and his unbelievable blue eyes glowed with an eyebrow raised. I was at loss for words as I stammered in-between words....
"I...I ... I got lost ... On my way to the washroom... Yes!  The... Washroom...".
"Downstairs, on your right" came a deep smooth voice and in that moment my heart ceased to beat... I just stood staring . He raised his other eyebrow as if to say 'anything else?'  but I still stood there despite my brain screaming 'GO!' but my body refused to move...
A drop of water rolled down his body and my eyes followed.
"What is going on here?" That snapped me out of my daze and I turned around to see Diana at the door with a nonchalant look but it immediately turned murderous when she caught the sight of the man inside... I nearly peed on my pants from the intense gaze.
"Do you mind telling me what you're doing here?" The cold stare didn't stop at all and for once I was terribly scared...
"I was just leaving" I said with a nervous laugh and almost ran away before I heard the door being shut behind me.

        Diana's POV
I watched Cindy run out from my bedroom and it took every self control in me not to slap that face of hers and plug out those eyes that saw what's MINE! I shut the door behind me and walked straight to Zack.
"What exactly were the two of you doing?"
"So you're putting a nude show for her right?" I was so mad that I couldn't stop my mind from running wild. I stopped right in front of him and without any word nor minding his confused look, I turned to leave only to be grabbed by him and caged between him and my make up table with the large mirror behind me.
"What are you doing?" He didn't say anything but only got closer till we were just an inch apart...
"Want one?"
"What!" I screamed even though it was getting difficult to breathe properly...
"Want a nude show?" He whispered into my ear with an insanely low deep sexy voice that made me swallow. I wanted to scream at him and push him off but my voice betrayed me and came out in a small whisper
"When did I ask for it?" My face must be a bright red cos I could feel my face getting hot...
"You sure? I won't charge you" came the devil's voice, this time giving a little bite to my earlobe sending shivers down my spine and filling my mind with dirty thoughts

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