"And? Even if he tells anyone no one will believe him because he's only a child, and children have wild imaginations," Kyna interjects.

"Kyna, please. Look Jessika, Kyna is right, no one will believe a ten year old boy," the man tells Jessika and Kyna smirks at her earning a middle finger in return.

"Listen Ezekiel I know that your alpha now and that we're supposed to follow your every order, but I have to object on this one," Jessika tells Ezekiel and his face gets tomato red.

"I will rip you a new asshole if you ever call me that name again," he growls getting up in Jessika's face. Not backing down from an obvious challenge shifts into her werewolf form and hunches back but before she can lunge on the leader a throat clearing interrupts her. They all look at the source, and find the elder of the pack has found them.

"I suggest you keep this childish fighting in your private rooms," the elder says.

"Yes, elder," we all say, bowing their heads allowing the elder to continue.

"This in-fighting is what got Zelph's pack dismantled because they were causing the pack way too much trouble and drama, not to mention unwanted attention of the humans," she tells them all walking over to Kyna she sniffs the girls hair and recoils in obvious disgust, "you smell Kyna take a shower and meet us outside by the river so we can proceed with the ritual,"

"Yes, elder," Kyna replies respectfully and slips away into the thick forest and runs to her home to shower.

Present Day

"Yo Ben, check is it that the girl you're interested in?" I ask, pointing to a cute brunette with gages and piercings.

"Yeah, but she'd never go for someone like me," he says looking at the girl.

"You miss one hundred percent of the shots you never take, bro. So why not ask her out?" I tell him punching his shoulder.

"Yeah I guess you're right," he says getting up and starts walking toward her. After a brief conversation he comes walking back to me and says, "you fucking asshole she has a boyfriend,"

"Is there a ring on her finger?" I ask him, raising a brow.

"No, I didn't see one," he replies, raising his brows.

"Well you know what they say, 'she's still game until there's a ring on it'," I tell him, then add, "watch and see how it's done, bro,"

Getting up I walk over to the girl and say, "Hey, I saw that you were sitting by yourself and I was wondering if I could sit with you, if that's cool?"

"Yeah it's cool with me as long you're not a creep," she says looking up at me and giving a half smile.

I slide in on the bench seat where she's sitting and ask, "what's your name?"

"Jessika. Jessika Saunders, and you are?" She answers and fires back the question.

"I'm Paul Hugh the third at your service, pleasure to meet you," I say, earning a small laugh from her.

"Well Paul it's been nice talking to you, but I have to get back to studying," she responds looking back down at her books and notes.

"My real name is Traeger. Traeger Wise, but most people call me Trae for short," I say looking at her books on what seems to be chemistry. "You know I'm studying chemistry too, so maybe we could meet up and study together sometime," I tell her.

Looking up she says, "Really?! Oh thank the gods for you Trae, that would be awesome, thank you!" Jessika exclaims looking at me with emerald green eyes.

"Your eyes are very pretty," I say without thinking, then say, "uh, that was... I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry,"

"No, no it's alright, I get that a lot actually, mostly from old men, or pedos," she says, packing her stuff and getting up.

"Hey Jessika there's actually someone that I want you to meet," I wave Ben over to us and introduce the two. "Ben, Jessika, Jessika, Ben,"

"I remember you. You're the guy from earlier that tried to hit on me and I told you that I had a boyfriend," Jessika says coldly.

"Well you see Traeger-" he starts then I elbow him in the ribs making him grunt and say, "I always thought you were cute but I didn't have the courage to talk to you,"

"Uh huh, so you recruit your friend to warm up to me and then you slip in and introduce yourself to me and then tryna get with me, am I right?" She asks sternly and with a hardness in her voice that makes Ben gulp and take a step back. "Well I have to go, and I'll leave you with my number so we can set up a study session," she says and writes down her number then gives it to me then gives Ben a hard glare then walks off towards the gymnasium.

"You fucking asshole," Ben exclaims his voice high and pushes me hard enough to make me stumble backward. "That was my win, and you had to swoop in and take it from me!"

"Um excuse me but if I remember correctly you needed a wingman to help you and I was that wingman," I respond smartly, smirking.

"You know what, Trae? Fuck you. Fuck you and your high horse that you rode in on. I'm done," he says and walks off. I chuckle walking to the main building getting ready for class.

Jess: What do you mean that you don't have a mate yet??? You know if you don't have a mate for mating season you'll be banned from going to the ritual

Kyna: I don't have a mate because I don't want one. No matter how many times I get horny af all the pack males want is to breed and have sweaty greasy sex with one female then hand her off to another male. I think that it's disgusting 🤢

Jess: W.e. Anyway I met this really cute human that I think that you would absolutely fall for

Kyna: A human? Rlly Jess, rlly? Do you think that low of me that I should mate with a human of all species

Jess: Hey don't judge, I'd jump his bones before I'd jump another of the pack males, the pack males are a little too rough for my liking

Kyna: Eww 🤢 wtf Jess? I don't wanna know about your sex life

Jess: Like you have one? 😂

Kyna: STFU!

"Miss Saunders, would you please tell me the compounds of hydrochloric acid?" My professor asks me.

"The compounds of hydrochloric acid are hydrogen and chlorine," I answer with ease, looking at the professor and smirking.

"Alright what is the chemical structure of sulfur?"

"Chemical element with the symbol S and atomic number 16. It is abundant, multivalent and nonmetallic,"

Traeger: Hey, what's up?

"Very well," he says and continues teaching.

Jess: Nm just in chemistry learning shit that I already know

Traeger: lmao I feel that. Wanna meet up tomorrow?

Jess: Sure why not? What's the worst that could happen, right XD

Traeger: Right

Kyna: Jess you need to come home right now

Jess: What, why?

Kyna: Bc something's wrong with one of the elders and there's gonna be a meeting of elves and werewolves on neutral ground and the elders want all the pack leaders there. It's happening at eleven thirty at night so we need to prepare

Jess: Again why? The elder is probably just sick or something, shouldn't be anything srs. But elves and werewolves were at war for what centuries, this is gonna fucking huge in the werewolf circles

Kyna: Ikr that's why you need to come home right away so we can get ready

Jess: K omw

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