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"Hello Melissa. Sorry I'm a little late but I brought a friend. This is Xander King."

Ok ok ok. Don't look at me like that. He pressured me into letting him come with me. He started doing this thing with his face that I couldn't say no to.

Xander is the worst person to go on a 3 hour road trip with. He spent the whole time on his phone and the second I picked my phone up he takes it from me.

Who takes someone's phone? What if I was reading a smutty draco fan fic? What then huh?

When I tried to make conversation with his driver Xander would glare at me like I murdered his first born.

So I spent the whole time listening to him talk about a security breach that I didn't care about. Thank god I quit.

"Hello Mrs. Peterson it's so nice to meet you. I'm Alexander i don't like nicknames and Azaria here just won't stop." Xanders says with a charming chuckle.

This is the first time he's using my name. It feels weird.

The pang in my heart isn't hurt. It's not.

Melissa goes sheet white. All the color draining from her face. "Hello Mr. King."

She's staring at Xander with a look of both fear and nervousness.

"Hey you going to let us in or what?" Is that rude? That felt rude. If it was rude I know Melissa is going to scold me for embarrassing her later.

"Yea- yeah come on in." The stutter is new. Is she really that nervous around Xander? Xander is pretty harmless.

He pulled a gun on you

I'm sure he didn't mean that...

Walking into the home I grew up in is bittersweet. The memories of my childhood self crying and feeling alone rush back to me. Feeling disoriented I grab on to Xanders arm. The same home that brought me so much pain, is the same home I had my first sleep over, my first period and my first life long crush.

Dylan O'Brien.

He's the reason why I love Seth Cohan, Matthew Gray Gubler and Nick Miller.


I haven't cried since I left this house but i can feel the distinct tell tale signs of a sob forming. Through the lump in my throat I let out a laugh. It sounds harsh and I hate it but I can't risk crying and getting chastised. I can't.

"Melissa the house looks great. Nothings changed. Very homey huh." I give another nervous laugh and squeeze Xanders bicep. He needs to jump in because I'm making this is so awkward it's not even funny.

Damn. He's biceps are so hard. I squeeze again to make sure. Wowza I guess he works out a lot.

"Xander your arms are super hot you should letme use them as a necklaces sometime." I wink at him. Giving his arm one more squeeze I let go.

Before Xander can say something mean or glare at me. I look at Melissa who's fuming. Face red and everything. What is she angry about now?

"So... Melissa where's Bobby?" He's a lot more nicer and easier to talk to. Melissa's collar bone juts out and she looks so stiff.

"He's at work. Azaria sweetie this was supposed to be a private lunch. It wasn't a bring anyone you want event." She grits out.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Peterson but I insisted I be invited. She told me you guys were having Mexican food and the way she described your cooking i just had to try it for myself. So please if you should be angry at anyone let it be me. I insist." Xavier says with earnest. He place his hand on his chest and he genuinely seemed contrite while he apologized.

Wow. The man could lie.

I was in awe.

I looked to see Melissa and she looked delighted.  obviously buying into Xanders bit.

"It's set then. I'll set you a seat at the table." If her voice was capable of being chipper I'm sure it would be.

She turns around and walks out of the small entrance and disappears well into the house. I turn to Xander and smack his shoulder. "Why are you lying to her? And why are you so good at it?"

When he faces me his coldness is back and it feels like a slap to the face. I light punch his shoulder and say "what's with that look buddy? I thought we were friends."

"Didn't you say you wanted me to choke you? Should I do that now?"

"Yeah definitely. But first I think you should give me strip show like in magic mike."

I try so hard to keep a straight face but I can't stop the laugh that's begging to get out. I burst out laughing so hard that I have to cover my mouth.

"You kid bambi but I will do it." He steps closer to me.

I look up at his grey eyes that never show any emotion and see something pass through them.

The intensity of his stare starts getting to me. I feel tingly and I want him to touch me again.

"Do it no balls."

"Hey Alexander do you have any allergies?"

Melissa's voice forces me out of whatever trance his eyes put me in. Xanders lip curls in what looks like irritation. He steps back and rubs his lips "not allergic to anything Melissa."

"It would be funny if you were allergic to nuts. Like imagine someone handing you a peanut butter sandwich and you just die. How embarrassing."

"You're allergic to nuts aren't you."

How'd he know...


"Okay fine but it's mild so you're only half right."

Xander comes closer to me and puts his arms around my waist. He looks behind me and I move to check at what he's looking at but he grabs my face forcing it straight.

"What are you doing. Are you initiating our second hug? I'm starting to think you're warming up to me."

I wrap my arms around him to return the hug.



but not really💀

Sorry guys but seniorites and depression are kicking my ass.

I'll try to update again soon though.

What'd you think? How are you?

I missed you all very much🫶🏾🫶🏾

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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