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I take another pill.

I start my job as Xanders assistant on Monday. I have exactly 2 days to study for my mid terms because I know once I start working for Xander I won't have time to study.

I'm starting to run low on adderall. I'll have to call ravi soon and see if I can get more.

Those pills are magical. When I retook my exam for physics I got a perfect score. But I can't give all the credit to them, ravi was an amazing tutor.

"You've been studying for so long can we please go out?" Mina says from my bedroom door.

I barely see mina these days. But I know she's happy. She's like a lovesick puppy but she'll never admit that.

"No i can't but you should go out with Kate. I want you guys to become friends" I love Kate she's so nice but extremely shy. Mina is the only person I know who can get another person to loosen up so I want them to hang out.

"Bitch i want to hang out with you I rarely see you these days. Kate can come out with us" she persists.

"I love you but I really can't. This is the only time I'll get to study before mid terms. But I promise I'll let you get me drunk next week"

Mina gets a giddy smile on her face "for real? Okay I'll go out with Kate. If you flake out on me getting you drunk I'll actually skin you alive"

I don't doubt that. I've never been drunk and mina has been wanting me to get drunk for as long as I've known her.

"I won't flake but shoo I'll talk to you tomorrow" I know I'll be asleep by the time she comes home.

She rolls her eyes and leaves the room.

A few hours later and I've decided to get ready for sleep. I've been so busy lately and have been lacking on my skin care so I've chosen to go all out.

When I'm done with everything I get changed into some pajamas and jump into bed.


When I wake up it's mid noon and I cringe remembering why I stayed up so late. I was reading an alien romance story that I am utterly ashamed of and also jealous of. Like what do you mean I'll never find a man that'll go feral over me? 

Also the smut was so good.

Again I'll reiterate alien smut is so awesome.

I get up and get ready for an amazing day of studying. Yay.

When I get to the kitchen I see Kate passed out on the couch next to mina. They'll probably want something oily and stroke inducing for their hangover so I start cooking.

By the time they're awake I've made them pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee.

"I love you. You know that right? I feel like I don't say it enough" I don't think Kate's talking to me. She's making googly eyes at the food.

"Kate if you don't shut the fuck up and die I'll kill you" mina is rubbing her temple with her eyes closed.

I nudge Kate's side and whisper "she's getting comfortable with you. She already loves you"

She gives me a shy smile and picks up her bacon and the second she bites into it she spits it back out. "Aria i think i hate you. Mina start threatening her. Aria is trying to poison us"

I'm confused. She doesn't like my bacon? "What's wrong with my food?"

"What kind of bacon is this?" Kate is now glaring at me.

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