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Tommy's POV

Kyle, Niki, and I are currently scrolling through all of text messages to start from the beginning of this nonsense. I'm so glad I get to be a part of this because I finally get to expose Will in front of some of his best friends. I've been waiting for this day. Once I was done scrolling, I looked up at the two on the couch and they are trying so hard to avoid eye contact. So, I walked over to them and positioned them to make sure they were right in front of each other. Both glared at me as if they wanted to either smack me or hug me. I couldn't figure it out.

"Alright, so I'll start. Then Tommy. Then Niki."  Kyle said from behind me. I go back into my spot and get ready for all the tea to get spilled. I hear a deep breath come from next to me before I hear Kyle speak. "I'll just be reading the text Will and Harper have sent me. We ready?" Niki and I nodded our heads and watch as the two on the couch did as well. They make eye contact as they did so.

"Wilbur goes first.
'Hey. Do you think I can get Harper's number?'
'I've only talked to her once and she already makes my heart melt. What the hell is wrong with me?'
'I want to text her. I want to tell her what I went through, but I'm scared that she would think I'm nuts.'
'Is she doing okay? I know I could text her myself, but I want to keep my distance.'
'I'm not meaning to hurt her. I care about her so deeply already.'
'I talked to her. God, I missed her voice. She played Bedroom Ceiling. She is a literal angel, Kyle.'
'I love spending time with her.'
'I know you're not mad at me, but I feel like you are. I really like her, Kyle. I wanted to kiss her. I really did. I thought she was ready, but she has more healing to do. I hope she's doing okay. Let me know if she writes anymore songs. I miss hearing the sound of her voice.'
'The stream went well. We opened up to each other after and said everything we needed to say. I have some healing to do myself. I'm so grateful she understands me. She's perfect.'
'We just did a YLYL stream, and I swear I just wanted to kiss her. I love everything about her. Her red hair, her freckles, the way she laughs, the way her nose wrinkles, the way she looks at me. I think I just feel in love, or I just realized I'm in love. I've never felt this way about anyone.'"

Kyle stops talking as we look over at Harper and Wilbur. A small smile was placed upon his lips as her cheeks were tinted pink. This has got to be the weirdest fanfic I've ever lived in. Oh wait, this is reality. Please shoot me. Anyway, we stared at them for a bit longer and let them absorb what was just.

"Now, that was only Will's. Harper, it's your turn:
'i keep having dreams about him. i know you're asleep right now, but i need to share this one. he came out of nowhere. it was as if he was prince charming coming to save his princess. we'll talk about it when you wake up.'
'why didn't anyone tell me this man is so goddamn talented? he's hot, plays the guitar, sings, AND plays minecraft? i must be living in a dream.'
'no, i don't want to talk about it. i'm giving him space. i care about him, alright? i want him to have time for himself.'
'you know damn well i've been in love with him since the day one. stop trying to pull information out of me. i already told you everything.'"

Looking back up at them, they now have their foreheads leaned together and a smile formed on my face. I might have given them shit for a while, but I'm so happy to see them confidently in love with each other. They deserve the world and I know for sure they'll give it to each other. I glanced over in between Niki and Kyle. They also had a smile on their face.

"I don't think any more needs to be said." My sister spoke up, putting her phone in her pocket. My eyes widened at a realization, and I tapped her shoulder. She gazed over at me, and I held up one finger. She nodded her head and waiting for me.

" Will: 'I love her so much, and she doesn't even know it. I get scared about showing it to her. It feels like every time she comes around me, my mouth is locked shut, and the words I wanted to say are just stifled. My lips lock up because my love is so strong. Tommy, I can't even express in words my feelings towards her. Sometimes I want to open up and tell her how I feel, but I'm always too scared. I'm pretty sure she loves me as well, but it's hard for her to express it.'" I paused for a moment and look up at the soon to be couple. Harper has her eyes locked on Wilbur's eyes, as if she's communicating to him with the gazes.

"Read the one Harper sent you, Niki." Kyle says, causing me to look over at the quiet roommate. I watched as she scrolled through her phone looking for this text. Niki cleared her throat and took a deep breath before reading out loud.

"Harper: 'i've only been in a few relationships in my life span. i was used and abused by a guy i really loved at one point. i stopped trying to look for love once this happened, if i'm going to honest. but, then i met will. he stole my heart away from the day i met him. i was confused at first. i never believed in love at first sight and always thought it was just a myth. but, as i started spending more time with him, i realized i'm in love. like real love. i've never felt like this with anyone else. the road has been rocking and i understand why. he needed to continue his healing process, as did i. because of that, i discovered new things about me and about him. this made me fall even more in love with him. i wish i could tell him this, but i'm scared to share my feelings." She finishes saying. Silence filled the room as the three of us gazed at Will and Harper on the couch. Tears could be seen coming out of the girl's eyes and I just knew we needed to get out of their space. I hate seeing two people I care about in this state, but I know this was for the best.

"That's how you two talk about each other. How you see each other. You can't be scared to share your feelings. Now, we're going to give you some time to talk and sort shit out." Kyle says, leading Niki and I out of the living room. I looked back at Harper and Will on the couch, silently hoping that when we come back out, they'll finally be together.

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