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Harper's POV

Sam and Colby began their intro as Will and I stood behind them, in front of the most 'haunted' prison in Ireland. From the looks of it, this place was huge. I don't know how long we're going to be here and how much we are going to explore, but I'm quite excited. We all goofed around before we met up with the tour guide, who was going to show us around for a little bit then let us explore on our own.

"A lot of people in Ireland were stealing food, doing petty crimes, and because of that, an overwhelming amount of people were sent to prison, so they had to open up this place." The guide began to say, as we stood in the middle of the field yard. The group was paying close attention to everything the man as saying, except for Will. He had told me he didn't really believe in the paranormal and thought it was just all in people's head. I hope tonight changes his perspective. "The prisoners were as young as 12 years old, as they were trying to find food for their family."

"So, you're saying because they stole food, kids would come here and be surrounded by people of all ages?" Colby asks, wanting to get more information about the prison and be able to share it with their viewers.

"Yes, people of all ages stayed together here and the living conditions were so rough. People were dying left and right. It got so bad that suicide began to be the leading cause of deaths, along with illnesses. This property carries thousands of bodies." My eyes widened and I looked down at my feet, knowing I'm standing on multiple dead people. The guide continued as we listened and followed him around the property. Apparently, this prison was mostly punishment based and the people were not able to go outside. At most, they would walk in a line, with handcuffs, to walk to the other side of prison.

After a couple of hours, the tour guide left the island and left the four of us. Sam and Colby parted ways as well, to talk about the stories and information about the prison to put in the video. Will and I were walking around the field, gazing around the buildings. As we were passing by Block A, I heard a knock on the wall. I stop in my tracks and glance at the direction. Will stopped walking a few moments later, looking back at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a confused expression. I walked closer to the wall and decide to place my ear against, hoping to hear another sound. Standing there for over a minute, I didn't hear anything else, until I began to remove my ear. There was tapping on the other side of the wall and my eyes widened. I look over at Will and he still looked lost.

"Did you not hear anything?" I ask him. He replied with a shake of the head and I gestured him to come listen. He rolled his eyes and did the same thing I did. We listened to see if anymore sounds come from the inside. Nothing. "I swear I heard something." I tell him, both of us removing our heads away from the wall.

"It was probably just an animal. Don't overthink it." He says to me, as he takes my hand to continue walking around. We ended up back to where Sam and Colby left us. About to go for another lap, we see the two friends walking up to us was the brunette holding the camera in his hands. "Are we ready to go?" Will asks the two. Sam nods his head and the real exploration begins.

The sky is completely black as we began to walk into the tunnels. Looking into the different rooms, the eerie energy fills my blood stream. Apparently this is solitary confinement, where the "problematic and mental" people were stored. We continued with the video and talked to the duo as we kept looking around.

"Did you know it's cold in here because they use to storage the gunpowder down in these spaces and it couldn't get too hot or it would react?" Will states, causing all of us to look at him in amazement.

"Do you just have random facts built into your brain?" I ask him. He nodded his head and looked over at Sam and Colby, who set up a device to talk to the spirits. As they were trying to contact something, I felt this pull from in front of me. There was room and it was as if something or something was telling me to come in it. I began walking into it and as soon as I put one foot in it, my whole body got chills. My heart began to race and my head began to pound. The pit of my stomach turned upside down. Was something in here? I walked towards the wall in front of me and felt a breeze behind me. Quickly turning around, there was nothing but the light illuminating from the flashlights outside of the room. I shake my head and walk out, ignoring the feelings inside.

I watched as the three guys talked to a spirit with the two flashlights on the ground and eventually they decide to move on to the onvoy as a new way to comminutate. I watch as they roam around the hall, talking amongst themselves. The chills I felt along my body didn't go away, as if something or someone was following me. Sam began to freak out because the meter turned red in one spot in the area. Will's expression changed and looked at me, a concerned look shown. They talked to the spirit with the onvoy device and Colby decided to come stand next me, wanting to strike up a conversation.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked me. I glance up at him and it seemed that he wanted to know what was going on inside my head. I nod my head 'yes,' not wanting to speak. I look back over at Will and Sam, who was still trying to talk to the spirit. "I don't think you are. You've been a little weird since leaving solitary. Did something happen?" I didn't respond to his question, I chose to ignore it. I didn't want any of them knowing what happened. It would be good content, yes, but something is off about this place. "Something did happen."

"Yes." I replied looking up at him. He nodded his head and placed his focus back on the two messing with the devices in their hands. When I gazed back over, I saw Will staring at me, some sort of expression written on his face. I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

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