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Harper's POV

"Have you found an apartment with three bedrooms, yet?" I ask Kyle, who is sitting on the couch next to Niki looking at new complex. Niki has been staying with us for the past month, due to her getting kicked out of her old place. Although I have not known the girl long, I feel her radiant energy and just knew we were going to be good friends. When I heard she got kicked out, I was the first one to say she could move in with us. I didn't have an issue with her moving in, regardless of barely knowing her. I was also the one who said we should look for a bigger apartment, just so she didn't have to keep sleeping on the couch.

"I have. It's the same building as Will's place. Little more expensive than living here, but I think we could manage." Kyle replies to the question, looking up at me. I nod my head and walked to the kitchen to grab a red bull out of the fridge. I haven't been able to get much sleep these past few days. I've been helping Will film his new video and offered to edit it for him. Now, why the hell would I do that, you might ask? I'm having him come along with me for a video that Sam and Colby wanted to do in Ireland. I know he doesn't believe in the paranormal, but I think this could possibly change his mind.

"Harper! I put a request to see the apartment and the guy already messaged me back! We can go see it today!" Kyle yelled from the living room. I walked back into the room with my drink in my hand and sat on the end of the couch. "He said we could check it out in about an hour or so. It's only fifteen minutes away from here. Do you want to just get this done and over with before you have to leave in a few weeks?" I nod my head and get a smile from the two girls. Niki stood up from the couch and walk down the hallway, assuming she was going to the bathroom. Kyle closed her laptop and set it on the coffee table in front of her, then looking over at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired. I'm almost done with the video, anyway, one more night. It should be finished." I tell her. She gave me a smile and also stood up from her spot on the couch. "I guess we should start getting ready to look at the new place. We're coming up with a name for it, by the way. We have to." I say, causing her to giggle.


One look at the flat and we already knew this was the place. Kyle is currently in standing at the kitchen island, talking to the building manager while filling out paperwork. Niki is wandering around the upstairs and looking through all the bedrooms. I'm sitting on the small patio, looking out at the view. Now this, this is a fresh start to my life. The outlooks of the street were wonderful, the homey environment is a breath of fresh air, and living with two people I've come to love to death. This is a good move.

"Harper, we can start moving in within the next two days. Ask Will if he would like to help." I hear Kyle say behind me. I glanced at her for a second and sent her a quick nod before she closed the door. I pull my phone out of my pocket and searched for Wilbur's contact. Clicking the facetime button, I allow my phone to ring. I place my phone on the railing and wait for him to answer, which was almost instantly.

"Hello." Will says, setting up his phone on his night stand.

"Hello, Mr. Gold. Would you be so kind to help the three new roomies move into their new flat in two days?" I ask with a smile on my face. He looks down at his phone and squint his eyes.

"You guys actually find a place you liked? Show me around." He says. I pick my phone up from the ledge and give me a tour of the new place.

"First things first, look as this view. I know where I'll be writing most of my songs at now." I tell him, flipping the camera. I watch his reaction as he glanced back and forth from his phone to something else.

"Hold on. Where... where are you guys moving to?" He asks as he picked up his phone and walked out to his small balcony. Holding my phone down for a moment, I exposed my head over the railing. I look over to the right and see a man wearing a black shirt standing outside. I picked up my phone and pointed the camera at him. He looked down at his phone and looked at again, this time, looking over at me. "In the same building? Holy shit. Sleep overs." I laugh at his reaction and decide to continue on with the tour.

It only took me thirty minutes to show him everything. Like, literally show him everything because he came to the apartment and wanted to see it in person. He looked in all the cabinets, bathrooms, bedrooms, closets, and even looked through a chest that was left by the last residences. There was some... let's just say, not so appropriate items left in the chest. Going to have to talk to Kyle about throwing the whole thing away.

"Alright, so, I'll come over on Friday and help you guys start moving shit over. I gotta go to the office and stream tonight. Maybe, if you want, you could stop by and join." Wilbur said as he began walking to the door. I followed him and thought about the offer for a second.

"Yeah sure. Why not. Your fans like me more than you anyway." I responded while giggling. He placed a hand over his heart and acted like i physically harmed. I pushed his shoulder and he started laughing. He waved a goodbye and left the flat.

"He really likes you." I jumped at the voice and turned around to see Niki standing there. I sent her a confused look, not catching her drift. "I haven't seen him that at ease and happy in a while. You can see it in his eyes. I can see it in your eyes, too." She says. I shake my head and opened my mouth to say something, but she stopped me. "You can deny it all you want, Harper. But, sooner or later, you'll see what I'm talking about. I promise."

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