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Harper's POV

"It's time to tell you about Emily and let you put some puzzle pieces together." Will says, causing a lump form in my throat. Flames formed in my stomach as I move in my seat. This has to be the most cliche moment of my life. Are we really doing this? Sharing each others trauma and reliving the memories? Might as fall deeply in love with each other after this. This feels like a scene out of movie or a plot of a book. "Harper, I want you to know why I avoid you at times."

"Okay." I respond with a hint of uncertainty in my voice. For the past six months, I've wanted to know why he disappeared on me like he did. Why he didn't put any effort in a friendship at first. This is exactly what I wanted. But right now, I didn't want to know what happened to him. I didn't want him to share his past with me, but I can't seem to say any of this. It's as if my mouth had restrictions.

"First, have you heard all the songs that I've made for my channel?" I ask her. She nods her head as a response. "Okay. That's when the puzzle comes in and I want you to pay attention to everything I tell you." She nods her head once again and waits for me to speak up.

"Emily was the girl of my dreams. I met her while I was playing at a bar back in Suffolk. She was out in the small crowd and stayed late to talk to me. At first, I thought it was some joke and that one of her friends dared her to talk to me. Few months later, I ended up asking her to be my girlfriend." He began to say, taking a break to take a deep breath and calm his nerves. I put my hand on top of his, telling him it was okay.

"You don't need to-"

"No, Harper. You deserve to know." He interrupts me. "Anyway, we started dating. She wanted to move in with me, but I wasn't ready for that. Besides, I was still in school and focusing on getting my degree. Fast foward, our one year came up and we didn't spend anytime together. She said she had a family thing, so I didn't think much of it. But after that, we started fighting constantly." Another deep breath stopped him from talking. I saw tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Using the sleeves, I wiped the drop escape. "It was nonstop. She said some things that... that I still hold on to to this day." He crocked out as he's trying to not sob.

"Will, can you look at me for a moment?" I ask him. He looked me in my eyes. "I know this is hard. You don't need to share anymore-"

"No, Harper. Stop. Let me tell you. Please." He says. I stare into his bloodshot eyes and don't open my mouth. "She turned really cold. On our second year, she came to the house I was living in at the time and completely trash it. Destroyed my computer, my tv, my first guitar, everything. She became distant. I had an old mate from school tell me something I never thought I'd hear. She had been sleeping with one of my friends. Jared. Jared Norman. He was my best mate. I always talked to him about everything, even my relationship problems. I broke up with her that same day. Within the next week, I was in SootHouse and moved in with one of my other friends. I never saw them again." He finished. He wiped tears that were stained on his face and his other hand is gripping his knee.

I grab a hold of both of his hands and rub my thumbs on the back of them. Silence filled the room and the only thing you could hear is his sniffling. He tried hard not to sob in front of me. But, I didn't want him to hold back. "Let it out, Will. It's okay." The moment I said that, a whimper left his lips. He fully broke down. I stood up out of seat and stood next him. Wrapping my arms around him, I placed my chin on his head as I rub his arm gently. The painful sobs he was releasing caused me pain as well. "You're strong."

"No I'm not." He whimpers, shaking his head. "I'm a piece of shit who doesn't deserve love. I'm terrible person. I mess up everything." I lift my chin off his head and stared at him in shock for a moment. Why the hell would he think that? Were these things that Emily would tell him? That bitch. I, softly, grabbed ahold of his chin and made him look up at me.

"You are not a piece of shit, Will. You are an amazing, kind, smart, and caring person who deserves the world. You are one of the reasons why I got over Andrew and why I settled in quickly when I first moved here. You might not see it, you've helped so many people around of the world and I'll be damned if you believe anything that she told you in the past." I tell him, now with tears threatening to spill from my eyes. He just stared up at me, before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a tight hug as he continued to cry. I ran my fingers through his hair, allowing him to take his time.

It took about ten minutes before the tears stopped coming out. He released me from the hug and wiped off the wetness on his face. I watched his every move when he got up from the chair and walked over to his computer. He was typing something on the keyboard, as if he was looking something up. Will glanced up at me and wave his hand to have me come over to see. I walked over to him and looked down at the monitor. He had a video playing. One of his old vlogs that he must of unlisted. He was on the train with a girl. She has brown hair and was wearing a pair of glasses. They looked happy as they were heading to Brighton and walking upon the pier. Why was he showing me this?

"This was before she started showing her true self. I never expected her to turn on me. It hurt me so much. So much that I didn't want to be in another relationship. I couldn't bare to be with anyone else." He tells me as he keeps his focus on the video. I look over at him and see the pain shown all over his face. Will really loved this girl. Now I understand why he didn't want to get close. Why he ghosted me the first time we met. Why he's the way he is. "But, then, I met you." He speaks, turning his focus on me. "I'm not sure why I had a change of heart. I've had multiple girls show an interest in me, but I turned them down. I never had any thought of them. But, when you came around and we spent that time in your office... Something clicked inside of me and it scared me. Like you said earlier, I'm not sure what way I like you, but I know I want you in my life." My eyes softened at his words and I could help but pull him into another hug. We stay there for quite some time, enjoying each other's contact.

"I'm so sorry, Will." I say, pulling back and looking up at him. His gaze looks down at me and he shrugs his shoulders. I pull completely away from the hug, not breaking the stare. "You still have some healing to do and things to figure out. You need to get that sorted before you can move on. It's apart of the process. Some people heal differently and that's okay." I tell him. A small smile for on his face as he continued to look down at me.


Kyle: my friend Niki is over and i want you to met her!

I sigh at the text I read and look up at Will. "I have to go. I'll text you later, okay?" I say with a disappointed tone in my voice. He doesn't say anything. He just nods his head and walks to other side of the room. He put Simone in her case and closes it, walking it over to me. I grab the case and hold it in my hand. We stand and stare at each other for a moment. It was as if we were frozen in our places and didn't want to move. He breaks the contact first and walks over to the door and opens it. I walk over and begin to exit the office.

"Thank you... for listening and understanding."

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