27 - Catching a Killer

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The air reeked of blood, sweet and tangy in the fading summer air.

"Todoroki-kun! Y/n!" Midoriya called out, his voice reaching where his body couldn't. "W-why are you here? And using your left side?"

He meant the second part of his question for Todoroki, who's left side blazed like a fiery inferno. Flames billowed out of his skin in waves, dancing with jagged shadows. The outburst was of Todoroki's own accord, for he could beat the villain.

What was the catalyst that pushed him to pull his fire out from hiding?

"It took us a few moments to understand what your message meant," Todoroki said, cutting off your trail of thought. He'd managed to save Iida, but the fight was still far from over. That's all that mattered. "It isn't like you to just send your location so randomly."

The fire dimed into nothing, though his costume fabric didn't look singed in the slighted. It had to be some fire-proofed material specifically engineered for him. You hoped it would get more use from here on out.

In place of rageful flames, ice shot from Todoroki's boot, spreading through the concrete ground like lightning-fast oil. The villain shot up as pillars of ice lifted your classmates into the air and safety.

Time for communication was next to nothing, you pushed well-thought out plans to make room for basic strategy and deductive reasoning.

You'd trained for this. This was something  you could control. The number of surprise battles the HPSC and Hawks had tossed your way during training was enough that the beating of your heart was a familiar rhythm.

You breathed in through your nose, letting the cool air collect and sting your lungs. Your eyes sharpened, irises cutting through the air, as biting as the blades in the villain's hands.

'Find your objective,' Hawks' voice found your ear. 'Focus on your target.'

Villain on the news. Pro Hero Killer: Stain.

Male. Age unknown, late 20s to mid 30s.

Dirty. Rough around the edges. Dirt under fingernails, dust on face, hair unkempt and greasy, teeth white as snow.

Costume an amalgamation of straps, bandages—heavy, spiked boots. Face covered. Red and beige scarf could be used against him.

Heavy breathing pattern, scratched but in-rhythm.

Attuned to surroundings, sharp eyes.

Tall. Taller than me.

Dark hair.


Undicernable quirk. Seeable weapons include slightly katana blades, five daggers, throwing knives, folding knives.

Your objective was to keep everyone alive, including Stain. Better he rot behind bars than see the quick, merciful defeat of death.

"You mean that you were in trouble and called for help right?" Todoroki spoke up to Midoriya as he lay several feet in the air on an ice bed.

You kept your mouth shut, your quirk on standby, and your eyes sharp.

"Don't worry," he continued. "The pro heroes will get here soon." Fire shot from Todoroki's hand, melting the ice keeping your classmates safe. You couldn't tell if it was on purpose or by accident.

Todoroki kept the flames aimed towards Stain, a pack of ferocious red dogs snarling and biting with heat. Stain dodged the attack with ease, the trace of a smile hooking the end of his lips.

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