20 - Stones

262 12 69

Updates might get sketchy, I have another show and traveling right now so it's all very busy. Thank you for the support, it means so much!

I started naming the chapters on my docs, so let me know if posting them w/ names would be of any interest.

Remember to drink water :)

- Bo <3




"Why isn't your hair red anymore? Are you sick?" You absentmindedly let your fingers ghost over his palm, smoothing over the tiny elephant's paint.

He leaned back against the wall on your bed, looking out into your tiny room like it was an endless tunnel.

Eyebrows relaxed, mouth ajar enough to let out a breath of air.

It was his thinking look.

His eyes slid over to your face at your question.

"Am I sick?" he asked.

You nodded.

He cracked a grin, pulling you closer. You always felt cold these days, even when he used a hint of his quirk to try and get a rise out of your body temperature.

Touya kept that last part to himself though; you still didn't know what his quirk was.

"No, silly, I'm not sick. I've just been training harder than all the other kids and my hair proves it."

"You train harder than all the other kids?"

"Oh yeah. Plus I don't get in trouble."

"Other kids get in trouble?"

Your bodies rocked as his head bobbed up and down. "Uh huh. I guess I get in trouble sometimes, but it's never too bad. Some kids don't even try their hardest in practice, like this one kid Eiko. He got in trouble so they had to send him away for a few days."

You lifted your head, fingers still tracing his elephant. "What happened to Eiko?"

"Why do you care?" Touya asked, making your throat squeeze. "Why do you want to know about another random person when I'm right here?"

Sometimes this kind of thing happened; he couldn't understand why his princess wanted to know about other princes and castles when the one she had was fine.

Was he not enough? Were you just like everyone else? Were you just looking to get rid of him like his dad?

His fingers clutched yours as his eyes narrowed, trying to pry his way into your thoughts.

"Why do you wanna know about him?"

Your eyes were wide as you shook your head. "No, no, I meant... I didn't... no one comes over here."

"Would you want someone else to visit you instead of me?"

You pushed yourself onto your arms. "No!" Recoiling at the volume in your word, you cast your gaze to the sheets before looking back up. "I just... you know about them more than I do. I wanted you to tell me. Like you're telling me about the Outside."

His eyes softened so fast you weren't even sure they'd sharpened to begin with, a winter blizzard into the calm waves of an ocean's tide. "So you don't want me to leave?"

You shook your head. "No."


Another shake.

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