10 - Head above Shoulders

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Your feet hit the ground heavy as you ran towards the rotunda.

Todoroki followed close behind, breath steady as the two of you were drawn in like moths to a flame.

Unconscious bodies of villains lay strewn everywhere, some still breathing, some not. Evading more torsos than you'd seen at once as you ran so fast a knot was stitching in your side, your eyes scanned the floor for Shigaraki. For Kurogiri.

For someone.

But finding them wasn't as much trouble as sizing up the monstrous thing standing next to the water with them. Nomu were a foreign adversary, masked in mystery and too many unknown variables.

But there one stood, its exposed head a pink and bumpy mass with red veins looking seconds away from bursting unnatural colored blood. Its long snout was upturned, a hungry smile pulling the sides of its mouth too wide with a ferocity unmatched by human.

Your stomach lurched the longer you stared at the beast, the sickly deep purple pigment of its skin reflecting against the harsh light.

As you skidded to a halt, Midoriya's green hair caught your eye as he ran from another side of the arena. Asui and Mineta were carrying a passed out Aizawa on their shoulders, calling out unheard protests to the boy.

You watched, raking in the data like a computer as you tried producing the best way to execute a proper fight.

Aizawa was down, All Might–who'd managed to show up in time–was currently fighting the nomu, you weren't sure where Thirteen was, and all that remained was the ill prepared class of 1-A to go up against the villains.

Todoroki never slowed, racing past despite you calling out.

"Todoroki, we can't just go in there!"

Stupid and brash choices disguised as brave and heroic were not what was going to win this fight, especially against Shigaraki and Kurogiri. They seemed to care about presentation, but who knew how long that would last before trading in for playing dirty.

Todoroki let loose a wave of ice straight towards the nomu clutching All Might, covering a whole side of its body through the warpgate. He'd managed to stop the climb of ice before it reached All Might, letting the hero pry the nomu's fingers away from his torso before jumping away and coming to a land near the two of you.

As you drew closer, coming to stand next to Todoroki, the red staining All Might's shirt caught your eye as it slowly started seeping into the white fabric.

Kirishima was trying to attack Shigaraki to no avail, and it was no use trying to yell at the boy to back off. Getting disintegrated at the hands of Tomura was the last thing you'd want for anyone, but all Kirishima said was about how he hadn't gotten to show off. At least he was still in one piece.

Bakugo had managed to subdue Kurogiri, sneering down at the man as he kept a knee firmly planted where his neck would've been. "Still actin' so cocky, eh foggy bastard?" His gruff voice traveled across the USJ floor, a victorious smirk lighting his face ablaze with pride.

"All Might will not be destroyed just because a few people with quirks decide to dress up as villains and infiltrate a class trip," Todoroki said, watching the fight unfold in front of the two of you. It was easier to breathe now, your body had dimmed to a dull and steady throb in the back of your mind, and when he looked over at you, a quick nod passed across where words didn't.

"Your power is running out, Shigaraki," you said, voice steady and gaze unwavering. "Don't make this more of an embarrassment than it already is."

Those same red eyes trained on you behind the same hand, a needle piercing through the air until it halted just shy of puncturing your lungs. His irises seemed to widen with recognition every passing second, pulling your gut up through your throat.

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