11 - Cake

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This chapter was originally around d 11k words, but I split it into two. I'll try to have the other one out as soon as I can :)


The lights in your room paralyzed everything, subduing them into a perfect stillness.

There wasn't any color to begin with, so the four white walls always felt like they were pushing in from every angle, compressing you into the room. 

You didn't think there was any color in the tablet sitting on your palm though, you would've seen it. 

They said you were lucky to keep full sight once, it was a very rare chance that you'd be able to see all the colors.  They said it was one of the only things they couldn't control about you.  But you were just glad that they seemed pleased you could see all the colors. 

You liked making them happy because that meant less training.

Less training meant less bad feeling in your back.


You startled at the voice.  It wasn't one you recognized, coming from the lip of your doorway.  The white metal thing hadn't closed when the lady dropped you off after practice.  Which was weird, because they usually shut it. 

One night you'd needed to go to the bathroom, but the door was locked.  You had tried your best to hold it all night, but training the next day wasn't very nice. 

They said you had complained too much.

"Hey, hey, it's okay."

The voice came again, from the same place, though now with a person to its sound.  A small person you'd never seen before. 

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise." 

He was wearing the same white dress thingy that you were, but something was wrong with his hands. 

They looked like the bandages that they wrapped around your back. 

"I just wanted to say hi."

You didn't look at his face, keeping your gaze to his arms or lower, hands clutched to your chest as you sat on your bed.  The white sheets were cold pressing against your skin. 

Why was he here? 
Why hadn't you seen him before?

The boy was still in your doorframe, swinging back and forth on his feet, arms dangling by his sides.

"What are you doing all alone?"  he asked.

You didn't answer. 

Why was he here? 
Why hadn't you seen him before? 
Were you allowed to talk to him? 

The tablet sat between your hands, cold. 

What did he mean all alone? 
Was there any other way to be? 

He asked the question like it wasn't normal for someone to be by themself.

"The other kids aren't nice so I came over here."

You perked up at that a little.  The lady had mentioned other people training before.  She'd said they were your age, but when you'd asked if you could meet them, she told you no.

'Why?'  you'd asked as she had led you further down the hall, back to your tiny room with white walls and white floor and white ceiling and white bed with a white table and no windows.

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