3 - Acclimation with the Unknown

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It was hard to remember the last time you'd seen so many people eat lunch at the same time in the same room.

Everything stood out if you looked too close; the lettuce in one girl's salad, the salmon in another boy's bento, the flecks of spices tossed over onigiri.

And it was so loud again, a calm roar of noise had settled over the lunch tables like a blanket, smothering you in the process. Your fingers itches to find your headphones, the peace of music only seconds away.

Everyone seemed to be in a hurry, they were either eating too fast or talking too fast or walking from one table to the next doing both.

Finding an empty table was hard enough, but you couldn't force yourself to sit next to other students no matter how hard you tried.

Maybe if you pulled out a book people would think you were just busy with other things. No friends. The echo of the words wrapped around your throat every time you thought about sitting with your classmates, lashing out like a whip when the urge started crossing your mind.

These people here weren't supposed to be your friends; you weren't supposed to start something you wouldn't be able to finish.

Looking out on UA's campus, you watched from your seat as tiny people went to their tiny places to do their tiny duties. Classical music narrated your lunch as you dined on the carrots and pretzels you'd packed that morning.

Hawks had made the mistake of getting a multi-pack of kids baby carrot packages on his way home earlier that week. The paparazzi attacked the sight like a pack of rabid dogs with a piece of fresh meat. Headlines features candid pictures of him hauling out kids snacks by the dozen with a less than obvious disguise, and you were left eating proportionately sliced carrots.

Maybe you could use some leftover chicken from last night for dinner and turn it into a soup of some kind. If you managed to swipe some mixed vegetables on your way home that day, you could heat up some rice and toss it together—

"Is anyone sitting here?"

The voice was muffled, almost non-existent through the noise cancellation of your headphones.

You looked up, coming face-to-face with two boys across the table. Upon further inspection you recognized them as the two who'd tripped over themselves in your class during the apprehension test.

Kirishima, you were sure one of them was named.

Tugging the headphones down until they rested around your neck, you lifted your head. "I'm sorry?"

One of the boys smiled, sharp teeth glinting in the light. He seemed to have brushed out most of the dust from his head, the red of his hair bright against his skin.

You glanced between the two of them a moment before they'd start to second-guess their intrusion. But the rejection was already dissipating on your tongue. Your fate had been sealed the second that boy asked. It was too risky to say no, too standoff-ish.

Just because you couldn't have friends didn't mean you wanted people to dislike you; Bakugo was for that.

You shook your head. "No, all free."

Their smiles grew as they fumbled for seats.

You wanted to warn them against the serious dangers of roughhousing indoors, considering they'd already presented their skill in rolling on the ground, but bit your tongue and swallowed the remark.

"I'm Kirishima Eijiro, by the way." The boy with the red hair spoke first after sitting down, starting to unpack the contents of his bento box. He was smiling again, the light in his eyes no different from when you first saw him in class. "We're in the same homeroom."

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